path: root/sonics/instrument_gchord1.udo
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1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sonics/instrument_gchord1.udo b/sonics/instrument_gchord1.udo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..314ea0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sonics/instrument_gchord1.udo
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#define UDO_FNMI_GCHORD1 ##
+ Portamento glitch-out textural chord player
+ Slim excerpt for Partial Emergence
+ This file is part of the SONICS UDO collection by Richard Knight 2021
+ License: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ http://1bpm.net
+#include "sonics/wavetables.udo"
+#include "sonics/sequencing_melodic_portamento.udo"
+#include "sonics/sounddb.udo"
+#include "sonics/frequency_tools.udo"
+#include "sonics/uniqueid.udo"
+ sounddb glitchy chord player
+ aL, aR fnmi_gchord1 icollectionid, iattacktime, ireleasetime, icompressmode, kchangechance [, ipitchratio=1, ireadtype=0, ireloadtime=10]
+ aL, aR fnmi_gchord1 Scollection, iattacktime, ireleasetime, icompressmode, kchangechance [, ipitchratio=1, ireadtype=0, ireloadtime=10]
+ aL, aR audio output
+ icollectionid sounddb collection ID to use
+ Scollection sounddb collection name to use
+ iattacktime start fade in time
+ ireleasetime fade out time on host instrument note end
+ icompressmode 0 = none ; 1 = harshwall ; 2 = normal
+ kchangechance glitchy item change rate chance (1 = every quarter beat)
+ ipitchratio default pitch augmentation ratio
+ ireadtype 0 = sndwarp ; 1 = mincer
+ ireloadtime seconds between reloads of subinstruments to ensure variation in source sound
+opcode fnmi_gchord1, aa, iiiikpoj
+ icollectionid, iattacktime, ireleasetime, icompressmode, kchangechance, ipitchratio, ireadtype, ireloadtime xin
+ ilen = p3
+ ireloadtime = (ireloadtime == -1) ? 10 : ireloadtime
+ instanceid = uniqueid()
+ iusedinstruments[] uniqueinstrnums "_fnmi_gchord1_notehold", ftlen(gimel_freqs)
+ ; set up notehold instruments
+ index = 0
+ while (index < lenarray(iusedinstruments)) do
+ schedule iusedinstruments[index], 0, ilen, index, icollectionid, ireleasetime, instanceid, ipitchratio, ireadtype
+ index += 1
+ od
+ ; reload random notehold instrument at periodic intervals (ie to change source sound)
+ klastchangetime init 0
+ ktime timeinsts
+ if (ktime - klastchangetime > ireloadtime) then
+ kindex = round:k(random(0, lenarray(iusedinstruments)-1))
+ kinstrument = iusedinstruments[kindex]
+ turnoff2 kinstrument, 4, 1
+ schedulek kinstrument, ireleasetime*0.5, ilen-ktime, kindex, icollectionid, ireleasetime, instanceid, ipitchratio, ireadtype
+ klastchangetime = ktime
+ endif
+ ; if host instrument of opcode ends, turn off all notehold instances
+ kreleasing init 0
+ if (release:k() == 1 && kreleasing == 0) then
+ kreleasing = 1
+ kindex = 0
+ while (kindex < lenarray(iusedinstruments)) do
+ turnoff2 iusedinstruments[kindex], 4, 1
+ kindex += 1
+ od
+ endif
+ ; if at end of host instrument note length, add release time for relevant fade out
+ if (lastcycle:k() == 1) then
+ xtratim ireleasetime
+ endif
+ ; trigger for variations in individual notehold instruments
+ idivisions = 4
+ as, aps syncphasor -(gkseq_beathz*idivisions), a(gkseq_beat)
+ ktrig trigger k(as), 0.1, 0
+ chnset ktrig, sprintf("fnmi_gchord1_qtrig%d", instanceid)
+ ; 'global' change chance for the notehold instruments
+ kchangechance = 0.5
+ chnset kchangechance, sprintf("fnmi_gchord1_changechance%d", instanceid)
+ ; feed from the notehold instruments
+ aL, aR bus_read sprintf("fnmi_gchord1_out%d", instanceid)
+ if (icompressmode == 1) then
+ acomp noise 0.2, 0.4
+ aL balance aL, acomp
+ aR balance aL, acomp
+ elseif (icompressmode == 2) then
+ aL compress aL, aL, -5, 40, 40, 6, 0, 0.1, 0
+ aR compress aR, aR, -5, 40, 40, 6, 0, 0.1, 0
+ aL *= 30
+ aR *= 30
+ endif
+ aL dcblock aL
+ aR dcblock aR
+ kamp linsegr 0, iattacktime, 1, ilen - iattacktime, 1, ireleasetime, 0
+ xout aL*kamp, aR*kamp
+; overload for named collection
+opcode fnmi_gchord1, aa, Siiikpoj
+ Scollection, iattacktime, ireleasetime, icompressmode, kchangechance, ipitchratio, ireadtype, ireloadtime xin
+ aL, aR fnmi_gchord1 sounddb_getcollectionid(Scollection), iattacktime, ireleasetime, icompressmode, kchangechance, ipitchratio, ireadtype, ireloadtime
+ xout aL, aR
+ Used internally by fnmi_gchord1 for sound generation and return via channel
+instr _fnmi_gchord1_notehold
+ index = p4
+ icollectionid = p5
+ ireleasetime = p6
+ instanceid = p7
+ iuserpitchratio = p8
+ ireadtype = p9
+ kamp table index, gimel_amps
+ aL init 0
+ aR init 0
+ if (kamp > 0) then ; all processing
+ kamp *= 0.32 ;0.05
+ kfreq table index, gimel_freqs
+ ibasenote random 30, 50
+ ifileid, ipitchratio sounddb_mel_nearestnote icollectionid, ibasenote
+ ifn = gisounddb[ifileid][0]
+ ipitchratio *= ((ireadtype == 0) ? (ftsr(ifn) / sr) : 1) * iuserpitchratio ; sr adjustment for sndwarp required
+ ilen = ftlen(ifn) / ftsr(ifn)
+ ; pitch lfo
+ alfo oscil 2.5, 0.15, gifnSine
+ kfreq += k(alfo)
+ kpitchratio = (kfreq / cpsmidinn(ibasenote)) * ipitchratio
+ istart = random(0, 0.1) ;* ilen
+ iend = random(istart+0.1, 0.4) ; 0.9
+ kreadmode init 0
+ if (kreadmode == 0) then
+ atime = (abs(oscil(iend-istart, random(0.001, 0.1), gifnSine, random(0, 1)))) * ilen ; TODO: don't think + istart is required here
+ elseif (kreadmode == 1) then
+ atime = (istart * ilen) + ((phasor(random(2, 10)) * (ilen * (iend - istart))))
+ else
+ atime = (istart * ilen) + ((phasor(-random(2, 10)) * (ilen * (iend - istart))))
+ endif
+ if (ireadtype == 0) then
+ aL, aR sndwarpst kamp, atime, interp(kpitchratio), ifn, istart, 441*random(1, 100), 44*random(1, 10), 8, gifnHalfSine, 1
+ elseif (ireadtype == 1) then
+ aL, aR mincer atime, kamp, kpitchratio, ifn, 0
+ endif
+ kdo_crush init 0
+ kdo_diff init 0
+ kdo_delaytuner init 0
+ kdo_ringmod init 0
+ kdelmult init 8
+ kcrushrange init 4
+ kringmodmult init 2
+ khpfreq init 150
+ kpan init random(0, 1)
+ if (kdo_crush == 1) then
+ kcrush = abs:k(oscil:k(kcrushrange, random(0.01, 0.3))) + kcrushrange
+ kcrushamount = abs:k(oscil:k(0.7, random(0.001, 0.2), gifnSaw, random(0, 1)))
+ aLbc, aRbc bitcrush aL, aR, kcrush
+ aL += aLbc * kcrushamount
+ aR += aRbc * kcrushamount
+ endif
+ if (kdo_ringmod == 1) then
+ aL, aR ringmod1 aL, aR, kfreq*kringmodmult ;portk(kfreq*kringmodmult, 0.01)
+ endif
+ if (kdo_delaytuner == 1) then
+ kdelaytuneramount = abs:k(oscil:k(0.5, random(0.001, 0.2), gifnSine, random(0, 1)))
+ aLdt, aRdt delaytuner aL, aR, max:k(1, kpitchratio)*kdelmult, 0.9 ; portk(kdelmult, 0.1)
+ aL += aLdt * kdelaytuneramount
+ aR += aRdt * kdelaytuneramount
+ endif
+ aL butterhp aL, khpfreq
+ aR butterhp aR, khpfreq
+ if (kdo_diff == 1) then
+ aL diff aL
+ endif
+ ktrig = chnget:k(sprintf("fnmi_gchord1_qtrig%d", instanceid))
+ kchangechance = chnget:k(sprintf("fnmi_gchord1_changechance%d", instanceid))
+ if (ktrig == 1 && random:k(0, 1) < kchangechance) then
+ if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.9) then
+ kreadmode = round:k(random:k(0, 2))
+ endif
+ if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.9) then
+ khpfreq = random:k(250, 2500)
+ endif
+ if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.9) then
+ kdelmult = round:k(random:k(8, 16))
+ endif
+ if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.9) then
+ kcrushrange = round:k(random:k(2, 64))
+ endif
+ if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.95) then
+ kdo_crush = 1 - kdo_crush
+ endif
+ if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.95) then
+ kdo_delaytuner = 1 - kdo_delaytuner
+ endif
+ if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.95) then
+ kdo_ringmod = 1 - kdo_ringmod
+ endif
+ if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.95) then
+ kringmodmult = pow:k(2, round:k(random:k(-1, 2))) ; 3 up to 8
+ endif
+ if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.9) then
+ kpan = random:k(0, 1)
+ endif
+ if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.9) then
+ kdo_diff = 1 - kdo_diff
+ endif
+ endif
+ aL *= kpan
+ aR *= (1-kpan)
+ endif ; if amp > 0
+ krelamp linsegr 1, p3, 1, ireleasetime, 0
+ bus_mix(sprintf("fnmi_gchord1_out%d", instanceid), aL*krelamp, aR*krelamp)