path: root/sonics/sounddb.udo
diff options
authorRichard <richard@1bpm.net>2022-10-04 21:46:41 +0100
committerRichard <richard@1bpm.net>2022-10-04 21:46:41 +0100
commitcd457011be1e053f154d1d78b0e733c131470dca (patch)
tree3e6fe072c9bd9b8bb5b279f740b6c496d066b172 /sonics/sounddb.udo
parent3c531249028207afa1255bd6c2b9c3486228613d (diff)
now using soundxdb extract rather than database opcodes directly
Diffstat (limited to 'sonics/sounddb.udo')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 229 deletions
diff --git a/sonics/sounddb.udo b/sonics/sounddb.udo
deleted file mode 100755
index 502d007..0000000
--- a/sonics/sounddb.udo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef UDO_SOUNDDB
-#define UDO_SOUNDDB ##
- SQL database interface to sound object management.
- Slim excerpt for Partial Emergence
- This file is part of the SONICS UDO collection by Richard Knight 2021
- License: GPL-2.0-or-later
- http://1bpm.net
-; if XDB extract has been loaded, don't use database
-#ifdef XDB_SET
-#include "sonics/soundxdb.udo"
-#include "sonics/pgdb.udo"
-; set max number of files for global array allocation
-imaxindex dbscalar gidb, "SELECT MAX(id)+1 FROM file"
-gisounddb[][] init imaxindex, 4
- Load file to gisounddb: to be used internally and passed parameters from database
- _sounddb_loadfile ifileid, Spath, ichannels, iduration, irmsnorm, isamplerate
- ifileid database file ID, corresponds to index of gisounddb
- Spath path to load sound file from
- ichannels number of channels
- iduration sound duration
- irmsnorm normalisation factor
- isamplerate sample rate
-opcode _sounddb_loadfile, 0, iSiiii
- ifileid, Spath, ichannels, iduration, irmsnorm, isamplerate xin
- isize = iduration * isamplerate * ichannels
- ifn = ftgen(0, 0, isize, 1, strcat("$SOUND_BASE/", Spath), 0, 0, 0)
- gisounddb[ifileid][0] = ifn
- gisounddb[ifileid][1] = ichannels
- gisounddb[ifileid][2] = iduration
- gisounddb[ifileid][3] = irmsnorm
- Get file details for a give file ID
- ifn, ichannels, iduration, irmsnorm sounddb_get ifileid
- ifn ftable number containing sound
- ichannels number of channels in file
- iduration duration of file in seconds
- irmsnorm RMS normalisation factor
- ifileid file ID to look up
-opcode sounddb_get, iiii, i
- ifileid xin
- xout gisounddb[ifileid][0], gisounddb[ifileid][1], gisounddb[ifileid][2], gisounddb[ifileid][3]
- Load files to gisounddb if not already loaded, to be passed a 2D string array as returned from a database query. Returns the file IDs in an array
- ifileids[] _sounddb_loadobject SqueryResult[][]
- ifileids[] database file IDs, which also correspond to indexes in gisounddb
- SqueryResult[][] query result from database with each row containing file ID, path, channels, duration, RMS normalisation factor and samplerate
-opcode _sounddb_loadobject, i[], S[][]
- Sres[][] xin
- iarraylength = lenarray(Sres)
- idata[] init iarraylength
- index = 0
- while (index < iarraylength) do
- ifileid strtod Sres[index][0] ; fileid
- idata[index] = ifileid
- if (gisounddb[ifileid][0] == 0) then ; load required
- _sounddb_loadfile ifileid, Sres[index][1], strtod(Sres[index][2]), strtod(Sres[index][3]), strtod(Sres[index][4]), strtod(Sres[index][5])
- endif
- index += 1
- od
- xout idata
- Load a sound to gisounddb if not already loaded, based on a specified query using f_nearestnote.
- Return the file ID and the result of column 6, which is the ratio to the nearest pitch requested.
- Used internally by the sounddb_mel_nearestnote opcodes which select one row
- ifileid, ipitchratio _sounddb_mel_nearestnote_inner Squery
- ifileid file ID
- ipitchratio pitch ratio to note requested
- Squery query to evaluate
-opcode _sounddb_mel_nearestnote_inner, ii, S
- Squery xin
- Sres[][] dbarray gidb, Squery
- ifileid strtod Sres[0][0]
- if (gisounddb[ifileid][0] == 0) then ; load required
- _sounddb_loadfile ifileid, Sres[0][1], strtod(Sres[0][2]), strtod(Sres[0][3]), strtod(Sres[0][4]), strtod(Sres[0][5])
- endif
- xout ifileid, strtod(Sres[0][6])
-; nearest note query base
-#define SOUNDDB_NNQUERYBASE #SELECT file_id, path, channels, duration, rmsnormal, samplerate, pitchratio FROM f_nearestnote#
- Get the nearest note in a filecollection, return the file ID and the pitch ratio adjustment required to the requested note.
- ifileid, ipitchratio sounddb_mel_nearestnote Scollection, inote
- ifileid file ID, corresponding to index in gisounddb
- ipitchratio pitch ratio adjustment required to make the file match the requested note
- Scollection collection name
- inote MIDI note number
-opcode sounddb_mel_nearestnote, ii, Si
- Scollection, inote xin
- ifileid, ipitchratio _sounddb_mel_nearestnote_inner sprintf("$SOUNDDB_NNQUERYBASE (%f, '%s')", inote, Scollection)
- xout ifileid, ipitchratio
- Get the nearest note in a filecollection, return the file ID and the pitch ratio adjustment required to the requested note.
- ifileid, ipitchratio sounddb_mel_nearestnote icollectionid, inote
- ifileid file ID, corresponding to index in gisounddb
- ipitchratio pitch ratio adjustment required to make the file match the requested note
- icollectionid collection ID
- inote MIDI note number
-opcode sounddb_mel_nearestnote, ii, ii
- icollectionid, inote xin
- ifileid, ipitchratio _sounddb_mel_nearestnote_inner sprintf("$SOUNDDB_NNQUERYBASE (%f, %d)", inote, icollectionid)
- xout ifileid, ipitchratio
- Get the ID of a filecollection by name
- icollectionid sounddb_getcollectionid Scollection
- icollectionid collection ID
- Scollection collection name
-opcode sounddb_getcollectionid, i, S
- Scollection xin
- icollectionid = dbscalar(gidb, sprintf("SELECT id FROM filecollection WHERE name = '%s'", Scollection))
- xout icollectionid
- Get the collection ID and file IDs of a filecollection, also loading each file to gisounddb
- ifileids[], icollectionid sounddb_getcollection Scollection
- ifileids[] file IDs in the collection, accessible as indexes to f-tables in gisounddb
- icollectionid collection ID
- Scollection collection name
-opcode sounddb_getcollection, i[]i, S
- Scollection xin
- Sbase = {{select file_id, path, channels, duration, rmsnormal, samplerate, fc.id
- from svw.analysis_basic_collectionnorm a
- join filecollection fc on fc.id = a.filecollection_id
- where %s
- }}
- if (strindex(Scollection, ",") > 0) then
- Sclause = "(1=2"
- index = 1
- Stemp = Scollection
- while (index > 0) do
- index strindex Stemp, ","
- if (index > 0) then
- Sclause strcat Sclause, sprintf(" OR fc.name='%s'", strsub(Stemp, 0, index))
- Stemp strsub Stemp, index+1
- else
- Sclause strcat Sclause, sprintf(" OR fc.name='%s'", Stemp)
- endif
- od
- Sclause strcat Sclause, ")"
- else
- Sclause = sprintf("fc.name = '%s'", Scollection)
- endif
- Squery sprintf Sbase, Sclause
-prints Squery
-prints "\n\n"
- Sres[][] dbarray gidb, Squery
- idata[] _sounddb_loadobject Sres
- icollectionid = strtod(Sres[0][6])
- xout idata, icollectionid
- Get the file IDs of a filecollection, also loading each file to gisounddb
- ifileids[] sounddb_getcollection Scollection
- ifileids[] file IDs in the collection, accessible as indexes to f-tables in gisounddb
- Scollection collection name
-opcode sounddb_getcollection, i[], S
- Scollection xin
- idata[], icollectionid sounddb_getcollection Scollection
- xout idata
-; end of XDB_SET