path: root/include/effects_global.inc
diff options
authorRichard <richard@1bpm.net>2022-10-04 00:17:55 +0100
committerRichard <richard@1bpm.net>2022-10-04 00:17:55 +0100
commitdecb2dc0e9f1167d5cd8fb4d455305be6b9fdfbe (patch)
tree9a9a586bbb6268e52290c017ec95d3f672822980 /include/effects_global.inc
Diffstat (limited to 'include/effects_global.inc')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/effects_global.inc b/include/effects_global.inc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bcf05d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/effects_global.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ Partial Emergence
+ by Richard Knight 2022
+ Installation submission for the International Csound Conference 2022
+ Global effects
+* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+ Reverb
+instr global_reverb1
+ aL, aR bus_read "reverb1"
+ aL, aR freeverb aL, aR, 0.8, 0.6
+ bus_mix("master", aL, aR)
+ Delay 1
+instr global_delay1
+ aL, aR bus_read "delay1"
+ ;aL *= abs(oscil(1, 1))
+ ;aR *= abs(oscil(1, 1))
+ kfeedback = abs:k(oscil:k(0.5, 4)) + 0.2
+ aLdlr delayr 0.8
+ kdeltime = abs(oscil(0.02, 0.04)) + 0.1
+ aLdel deltapi kdeltime + 0.002
+ delayw aL + (aLdel * kfeedback)
+ aRdlr delayr 0.8
+ aRdel deltapi kdeltime + 0.001
+ delayw aR + (aRdel * kfeedback)
+ bus_mix("master", aLdel, aRdel)
+ Delay 2
+instr global_delay2
+ aL, aR bus_read "delay2"
+ ifreq1 = 0.25
+ kfdbkL = abs(oscil(0.8, 1.63))
+ kfdbkR = abs(oscil(0.8, 1.67))
+ atimeL = abs(oscil(0.2, ifreq1)) + 0.01
+ atimeR = abs(oscil(0.2, ifreq1)) + 0.01
+ aLdlr delayr 1
+ aLdel deltapi atimeL
+ aLdel butterhp aLdel, 130
+ delayw aL + (aLdel * kfdbkL)
+ aRdlr delayr 1
+ aRdel deltapi atimeR
+ aRdel butterhp aRdel, 130
+ delayw aR + (aRdel * kfdbkR)
+ bus_mix("master", aLdel, aRdel)
+ Cyclical PVS sampler
+instr global_pvsamp1
+ aL, aR bus_read "pvsamp1"
+ ir = 512
+ ksampling init 1
+ ktime = timeinsts()
+ ksamplestarttime init 0
+ kplaystarttime init 0
+ imaxlength = 5
+ ksamplelength init random(2, imaxlength)
+ kplaylength init random(2, imaxlength)
+ krevsend init random(0, 0.4)
+ kdotune init (random(0, 1) > 0.8) ? 1 : 0
+ kdohpf init round(random(0, 1))
+ khpfreq init random(100, 2000)
+ kreadrate init random(0.01, 0.3)
+ if (ksampling == 1) then
+ fL1 pvsanal aL, ir, ir/4, ir, 1
+ fR1 pvsanal aR, ir, ir/4, ir, 1
+ ibufL, ktL pvsbuffer fL1, imaxlength
+ ibufR, ktR pvsbuffer fR1, imaxlength
+ if (ktime - ksamplestarttime >= ksamplelength) then
+ ksampling = 0
+ kplaylength = random:k(2, imaxlength*0.9)
+ kplaystarttime = ktime
+ kdohpf = round:k(random:k(0, 1))
+ khpfreq = random:k(100, 2000)
+ kdotune = (random:k(0, 1) > 0.8) ? 1 : 0
+ krevsend = random:k(0, 0.6)
+ kreadrate = random:k(0.01, 0.3)
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (ksampling == 0 && ktime - kplaystarttime >= kplaylength) then
+ ksampling = 1
+ ksamplestarttime = ktime
+ ksamplelength = random:k(2, imaxlength)
+ endif
+ ktime = abs:k(oscil:k(1, kreadrate))
+ ;ktime = portk(random:k(0, 1), 5)
+ iscales[] fillarray 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4
+ iscale = iscales[round(random(0, lenarray(iscales) - 1))]
+ fL2 pvsbufread ktime*port(kplaylength, 0.1), ibufL
+ fR2 pvsbufread ktime*port(kplaylength, 0.1), ibufR
+ fL3 pvscale fL2, iscale
+ fR3 pvscale fR2, iscale
+ aL pvsynth fL3
+ aR pvsynth fR3
+ if (kdotune == 1) then
+ aL, aR mel_tune_portamento aL*0.8, aR*0.8, gifnSine, 16, 1024, 4
+ endif
+ if (kdohpf == 1) then
+ aL butterhp aL, khpfreq*random(0.8, 1.2)
+ aR butterhp aR, khpfreq*random(0.8, 1.2)
+ endif
+ bus_mix("reverb1", aL*krevsend, aR*krevsend)
+ bus_mix("master", aL, aR)
+ Cyclical PVS sampler
+instr global_pvsamp1x
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ prints sprintf("Reloaded %s\n", nstrstr(p1))
+ aL, aR bus_read "pvsamp1"
+ ir = 2048
+ ksampling init 1
+ ilength = random(2, max(p3*0.2, 2))
+ if (ksampling == 1) then
+ fL1 pvsanal aL, ir, ir/4, ir, 1
+ fR1 pvsanal aR, ir, ir/4, ir, 1
+ ibufL, ktL pvsbuffer fL1, ilength
+ ibufR, ktR pvsbuffer fR1, ilength
+ if (timeinsts() >= ilength) then
+ ksampling = 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ ktime = abs:k(oscil:k(1, random(0.01, 0.3)))
+ ;ktime = portk(random:k(0, 1), 5)
+ iscales[] fillarray 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4
+ iscale = iscales[round(random(0, lenarray(iscales) - 1))]
+ fL2 pvsbufread ktime*ilength, ibufL
+ fR2 pvsbufread ktime*ilength, ibufR
+ fL3 pvscale fL2, iscale
+ fR3 pvscale fR2, iscale
+ ilengthadj = p3 - ilength
+ kamp linseg 0, ilength, 0, ilengthadj*0.1, 1, ilengthadj*0.7, 1, ilengthadj*0.2, 0
+ aL pvsynth fL3
+ aR pvsynth fR3
+ if (random(0, 1) > 0.6) then
+ bus_mix("reverb1", aL, aR)
+ endif
+ if (random(0, 1) > 0.7) then
+ aL, aR mel_tune_portamento aL*0.8, aR*0.8, gifnSine, 16, 1024, 4
+ endif
+ if (random(0, 1) > 0.6) then
+ ihpfreq random 100, 3000
+ aL butterhp aL, ihpfreq*random(0.8, 1.2)
+ aR butterhp aR, ihpfreq*random(0.8, 1.2)
+ endif
+ bus_mix("master", aL*kamp, aR*kamp)
+ ; reload periodically
+ if (lastcycle() == 1) then
+ schedulek(p1, 1, random(3, 20))
+ endif