csound-sdl provides a simple interface for (currently quite) low level SDL calls. At current only basic shapes are available in order to investigate the possibilities and efficiency of using SDL from within Csound. An example is provided in the examples directory which utilises all current opcodes.
- Csound libraries
- Cmake >= 2.8.12
- LibSDL2
Create a build directory at the top of the source tree, execute cmake .., make and optionally make install as root. If the latter is not used/possible then the resulting module can be used with the --opcode-lib flag in Csound. eg:
cd csound-sdl
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make && sudo make install
Opcode overview
ihandle, kmousetrigger, kmousex, kmousey sdlinit Swindowname, iwidth, iheight, ifps
Initialise the SDL window.
- ihandle: the handle to be used by further SDL opcodes to write to that window
- kmousetrigger: fires when mouse button is clicked in the window
- kmousex: reports mouse X position in window, normalised from 0 to 1
kmousey: reports mouse Y position in window, normalised from 0 to 1
Swindowname: the title given to the window
- iwidth: width of window in pixels
- iheight: height of window in pixels
- ifps: frames per second of rendering
ihandle sdlcolour kred, kgreen, kblue, kalpha
Set a colour to be used in later drawing.
ihandle: the handle for the colour to be used by further SDL opcodes
kred: red amount with range 0 to 255
- kgreen: green amount with range 0 to 255
- kblue: blue amount with range 0 to 255
- kalpha: alpha amount with range 0 to 255
sdlrect iwindow, icolour, kx, ky, kwidth, kheight
Create a rectangle.
- iwindow: the window handle from sdlinit
- icolour: the colour handle from sdlcolour
- kx: X position
- ky: Y position
- kwidth: width
- kheight: height
sdlline iwindow, icolour, kx1, ky1, kx2, ky2
Create a line.
- iwindow: the window handle from sdlinit
- icolour: the colour handle from sdlcolour
- kx1: X position of start point
- ky1: Y position of start point
- kx2: X position of end point
- ky2: Y position of end point