/// Copyright 2018 Daniel Parker // Distributed under the Boost license, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See https://github.com/danielaparker/jsoncons for latest version #ifndef JSONCONS_UBJSON_UBJSON_ERROR_HPP #define JSONCONS_UBJSON_UBJSON_ERROR_HPP #include <system_error> #include <jsoncons/config/jsoncons_config.hpp> namespace jsoncons { namespace ubjson { enum class ubjson_errc { success = 0, unexpected_eof = 1, source_error, count_required_after_type, length_is_negative, length_must_be_integer, unknown_type, invalid_utf8_text_string, too_many_items, too_few_items, number_too_large, max_nesting_depth_exceeded, key_expected, max_items_exceeded }; class ubjson_error_category_impl : public std::error_category { public: const char* name() const noexcept override { return "jsoncons/ubjson"; } std::string message(int ev) const override { switch (static_cast<ubjson_errc>(ev)) { case ubjson_errc::unexpected_eof: return "Unexpected end of file"; case ubjson_errc::source_error: return "Source error"; case ubjson_errc::count_required_after_type: return "Type is specified for container, but count is not specified"; case ubjson_errc::length_is_negative: return "Request for the length of an array, map or string returned a negative result"; case ubjson_errc::length_must_be_integer: return "Length must be a integer numeric type (int8, uint8, int16, int32, int64)"; case ubjson_errc::unknown_type: return "Unknown type"; case ubjson_errc::invalid_utf8_text_string: return "Illegal UTF-8 encoding in text string"; case ubjson_errc::too_many_items: return "Too many items were added to a UBJSON object or array of known length"; case ubjson_errc::too_few_items: return "Too few items were added to a UBJSON object or array of known length"; case ubjson_errc::number_too_large: return "Number exceeds implementation limits"; case ubjson_errc::max_nesting_depth_exceeded: return "Data item nesting exceeds limit in options"; case ubjson_errc::key_expected: return "Text string key in a map expected"; case ubjson_errc::max_items_exceeded: return "Number of items in UBJSON object or array exceeds limit set in options"; default: return "Unknown UBJSON parser error"; } } }; inline const std::error_category& ubjson_error_category() { static ubjson_error_category_impl instance; return instance; } inline std::error_code make_error_code(ubjson_errc e) { return std::error_code(static_cast<int>(e),ubjson_error_category()); } }} namespace std { template<> struct is_error_code_enum<jsoncons::ubjson::ubjson_errc> : public true_type { }; } #endif