// Copyright 2017 Daniel Parker // Distributed under the Boost license, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See https://github.com/danielaparker/jsoncons for latest version #ifndef JSONCONS_JSONPOINTER_JSONPOINTER_HPP #define JSONCONS_JSONPOINTER_JSONPOINTER_HPP #include <string> #include <vector> #include <memory> #include <iostream> #include <iterator> #include <utility> // std::move #include <system_error> // system_error #include <type_traits> // std::enable_if, std::true_type #include <jsoncons/json.hpp> #include <jsoncons_ext/jsonpointer/jsonpointer_error.hpp> #include <jsoncons/detail/write_number.hpp> namespace jsoncons { namespace jsonpointer { namespace detail { enum class pointer_state { start, escaped, delim }; } // namespace detail template <class CharT> std::basic_string<CharT> escape_string(const std::basic_string<CharT>& s) { std::basic_string<CharT> result; for (auto c : s) { switch (c) { case '~': result.push_back('~'); result.push_back('0'); break; case '/': result.push_back('~'); result.push_back('1'); break; default: result.push_back(c); break; } } return result; } // basic_json_pointer template <class CharT> class basic_json_pointer { public: // Member types using char_type = CharT; using string_type = std::basic_string<char_type>; using string_view_type = jsoncons::basic_string_view<char_type>; using const_iterator = typename std::vector<string_type>::const_iterator; using iterator = const_iterator; using const_reverse_iterator = typename std::vector<string_type>::const_reverse_iterator; using reverse_iterator = const_reverse_iterator; private: std::vector<string_type> tokens_; public: // Constructors basic_json_pointer() { } basic_json_pointer(const std::vector<string_type>& tokens) : tokens_(tokens) { } basic_json_pointer(std::vector<string_type>&& tokens) : tokens_(std::move(tokens)) { } explicit basic_json_pointer(const string_view_type& s) { std::error_code ec; auto jp = parse(s, ec); if (ec) { throw jsonpointer_error(ec); } tokens_ = std::move(jp.tokens_); } explicit basic_json_pointer(const string_view_type& s, std::error_code& ec) { auto jp = parse(s, ec); if (!ec) { tokens_ = std::move(jp.tokens_); } } basic_json_pointer(const basic_json_pointer&) = default; basic_json_pointer(basic_json_pointer&&) = default; static basic_json_pointer parse(const string_view_type& input, std::error_code& ec) { std::vector<string_type> tokens; if (input.empty() || (input[0] == '#' && input.size() == 1)) { return basic_json_pointer<CharT>(); } const char_type* p; const char_type* pend; string_type unescaped; if (input[0] == '#') { unescaped = unescape_uri_string(input, ec); p = unescaped.data() + 1; pend = unescaped.data() + unescaped.size(); } else { p = input.data(); pend = input.data() + input.size(); } auto state = jsonpointer::detail::pointer_state::start; string_type buffer; while (p < pend) { bool done = false; while (p < pend && !done) { switch (state) { case jsonpointer::detail::pointer_state::start: switch (*p) { case '/': state = jsonpointer::detail::pointer_state::delim; break; default: ec = jsonpointer_errc::expected_slash; return basic_json_pointer(); }; break; case jsonpointer::detail::pointer_state::delim: switch (*p) { case '/': done = true; break; case '~': state = jsonpointer::detail::pointer_state::escaped; break; default: buffer.push_back(*p); break; }; break; case jsonpointer::detail::pointer_state::escaped: switch (*p) { case '0': buffer.push_back('~'); state = jsonpointer::detail::pointer_state::delim; break; case '1': buffer.push_back('/'); state = jsonpointer::detail::pointer_state::delim; break; default: ec = jsonpointer_errc::expected_0_or_1; return basic_json_pointer(); }; break; } ++p; } tokens.push_back(buffer); buffer.clear(); } if (!buffer.empty()) { tokens.push_back(buffer); } return basic_json_pointer(tokens); } static string_type escape_uri_string(const string_type& s) { string_type escaped; for (auto ch : s) { switch (ch) { case '%': escaped.append(string_type{'%','2','5'}); break; case '^': escaped.append(string_type{'%','5','E'}); break; case '|': escaped.append(string_type{'%','7','C'}); break; case '\\': escaped.append(string_type{'%','5','C'}); break; case '\"': escaped.append(string_type{'%','2','2'}); break; case ' ': escaped.append(string_type{'%','2','0'}); break; default: escaped.push_back(ch); break; } } return escaped; } static string_type unescape_uri_string(const string_view_type& s, std::error_code& ec) { if (s.size() < 3) { return string_type(s); } string_type unescaped; std::size_t last = s.size() - 2; std::size_t pos = 0; while (pos < last) { if (s[pos] == '%') { uint8_t ch; auto result = jsoncons::detail::to_integer_base16(s.data() + (pos+1), 2, ch); if (!result) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::invalid_uri_escaped_data; return string_type(s); } unescaped.push_back(ch); pos += 3; } else { unescaped.push_back(s[pos]); ++pos; } } while (pos < s.size()) { unescaped.push_back(s[pos]); ++pos; } return unescaped; } // operator= basic_json_pointer& operator=(const basic_json_pointer&) = default; basic_json_pointer& operator=(basic_json_pointer&&) = default; // Modifiers void clear() { tokens_.clear(); } basic_json_pointer& operator/=(const string_type& s) { tokens_.push_back(s); return *this; } template <class IntegerType> typename std::enable_if<type_traits::is_integer<IntegerType>::value, basic_json_pointer&>::type operator/=(IntegerType val) { string_type s; jsoncons::detail::from_integer(val, s); tokens_.push_back(s); return *this; } basic_json_pointer& operator+=(const basic_json_pointer& p) { for (const auto& s : p.tokens_) { tokens_.push_back(s); } return *this; } // Accessors bool empty() const { return tokens_.empty(); } #if !defined(JSONCONS_NO_DEPRECATED) JSONCONS_DEPRECATED_MSG("Instead, use to_string()") string_type string() const { return to_string(); } #endif string_type to_string() const { string_type buffer; for (const auto& token : tokens_) { buffer.push_back('/'); for (auto c : token) { switch (c) { case '~': buffer.push_back('~'); buffer.push_back('0'); break; case '/': buffer.push_back('~'); buffer.push_back('1'); break; default: buffer.push_back(c); break; } } } return buffer; } string_type to_uri_fragment() const { string_type buffer{'#'}; for (const auto& token : tokens_) { buffer.push_back('/'); string_type s = escape_uri_string(token); for (auto c : s) { switch (c) { case '~': buffer.push_back('~'); buffer.push_back('0'); break; case '/': buffer.push_back('~'); buffer.push_back('1'); break; default: buffer.push_back(c); break; } } } return buffer; } // Iterators iterator begin() const { return tokens_.begin(); } iterator end() const { return tokens_.end(); } reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return tokens_.rbegin(); } reverse_iterator rend() const { return tokens_.rend(); } // Non-member functions friend basic_json_pointer<CharT> operator/(const basic_json_pointer<CharT>& lhs, const string_type& rhs) { basic_json_pointer<CharT> p(lhs); p /= rhs; return p; } friend basic_json_pointer<CharT> operator+( const basic_json_pointer<CharT>& lhs, const basic_json_pointer<CharT>& rhs ) { basic_json_pointer<CharT> p(lhs); p += rhs; return p; } friend bool operator==( const basic_json_pointer& lhs, const basic_json_pointer& rhs ) { return lhs.tokens_ == rhs.okens_; } friend bool operator!=( const basic_json_pointer& lhs, const basic_json_pointer& rhs ) { return lhs.tokens_ != rhs.tokens_; } friend std::basic_ostream<CharT>& operator<<( std::basic_ostream<CharT>& os, const basic_json_pointer<CharT>& p ) { os << p.to_string(); return os; } }; template <class CharT,class IntegerType> typename std::enable_if<type_traits::is_integer<IntegerType>::value, basic_json_pointer<CharT>>::type operator/(const basic_json_pointer<CharT>& lhs, IntegerType rhs) { basic_json_pointer<CharT> p(lhs); p /= rhs; return p; } using json_pointer = basic_json_pointer<char>; using wjson_pointer = basic_json_pointer<wchar_t>; #if !defined(JSONCONS_NO_DEPRECATED) template<class CharT> using basic_address = basic_json_pointer<CharT>; template<class CharT> using basic_json_ptr = basic_json_pointer<CharT>; JSONCONS_DEPRECATED_MSG("Instead, use json_pointer") typedef json_pointer address; JSONCONS_DEPRECATED_MSG("Instead, use json_pointer") typedef json_pointer json_ptr; JSONCONS_DEPRECATED_MSG("Instead, use wjson_pointer") typedef json_pointer wjson_ptr; #endif namespace detail { template <class Json> const Json* resolve(const Json* current, const typename Json::string_view_type& buffer, std::error_code& ec) { if (current->is_array()) { if (buffer.size() == 1 && buffer[0] == '-') { ec = jsonpointer_errc::index_exceeds_array_size; return current; } std::size_t index{0}; auto result = jsoncons::detail::to_integer_decimal(buffer.data(), buffer.length(), index); if (!result) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::invalid_index; return current; } if (index >= current->size()) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::index_exceeds_array_size; return current; } current = std::addressof(current->at(index)); } else if (current->is_object()) { if (!current->contains(buffer)) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::key_not_found; return current; } current = std::addressof(current->at(buffer)); } else { ec = jsonpointer_errc::expected_object_or_array; return current; } return current; } template <class Json> Json* resolve(Json* current, const typename Json::string_view_type& buffer, bool create_if_missing, std::error_code& ec) { if (current->is_array()) { if (buffer.size() == 1 && buffer[0] == '-') { ec = jsonpointer_errc::index_exceeds_array_size; return current; } std::size_t index{0}; auto result = jsoncons::detail::to_integer_decimal(buffer.data(), buffer.length(), index); if (!result) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::invalid_index; return current; } if (index >= current->size()) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::index_exceeds_array_size; return current; } current = std::addressof(current->at(index)); } else if (current->is_object()) { if (!current->contains(buffer)) { if (create_if_missing) { auto r = current->try_emplace(buffer, Json()); current = std::addressof(r.first->value()); } else { ec = jsonpointer_errc::key_not_found; return current; } } else { current = std::addressof(current->at(buffer)); } } else { ec = jsonpointer_errc::expected_object_or_array; return current; } return current; } } // namespace detail // get template<class Json> Json& get(Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location, bool create_if_missing, std::error_code& ec) { if (location.empty()) { return root; } Json* current = std::addressof(root); auto it = location.begin(); auto end = location.end(); while (it != end) { current = jsoncons::jsonpointer::detail::resolve(current, *it, create_if_missing, ec); if (ec) return *current; ++it; } return *current; } template<class Json, class StringSource> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,Json&>::type get(Json& root, const StringSource& location_str, bool create_if_missing, std::error_code& ec) { auto jsonptr = basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>::parse(location_str, ec); if (ec) { return root; } return get(root, jsonptr, create_if_missing, ec); } template<class Json> const Json& get(const Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location, std::error_code& ec) { if (location.empty()) { return root; } const Json* current = std::addressof(root); auto it = location.begin(); auto end = location.end(); while (it != end) { current = jsoncons::jsonpointer::detail::resolve(current, *it, ec); if (ec) return *current; ++it; } return *current; } template<class Json, class StringSource> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,const Json&>::type get(const Json& root, const StringSource& location_str, std::error_code& ec) { auto jsonptr = basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>::parse(location_str, ec); if (ec) { return root; } return get(root, jsonptr, ec); } template<class Json> Json& get(Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location, std::error_code& ec) { return get(root, location, false, ec); } template<class Json, class StringSource> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,Json&>::type get(Json& root, const StringSource& location_str, std::error_code& ec) { return get(root, location_str, false, ec); } template<class Json> Json& get(Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location, bool create_if_missing = false) { std::error_code ec; Json& j = get(root, location, create_if_missing, ec); if (ec) { JSONCONS_THROW(jsonpointer_error(ec)); } return j; } template<class Json, class StringSource> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,Json&>::type get(Json& root, const StringSource& location_str, bool create_if_missing = false) { std::error_code ec; Json& result = get(root, location_str, create_if_missing, ec); if (ec) { JSONCONS_THROW(jsonpointer_error(ec)); } return result; } template<class Json> const Json& get(const Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location) { std::error_code ec; const Json& j = get(root, location, ec); if (ec) { JSONCONS_THROW(jsonpointer_error(ec)); } return j; } template<class Json, class StringSource> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,const Json&>::type get(const Json& root, const StringSource& location_str) { std::error_code ec; const Json& j = get(root, location_str, ec); if (ec) { JSONCONS_THROW(jsonpointer_error(ec)); } return j; } // contains template<class Json> bool contains(const Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location) { std::error_code ec; get(root, location, ec); return !ec ? true : false; } template<class Json, class StringSource> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,bool>::type contains(const Json& root, const StringSource& location_str) { std::error_code ec; get(root, location_str, ec); return !ec ? true : false; } template<class Json,class T> void add(Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location, T&& value, bool create_if_missing, std::error_code& ec) { Json* current = std::addressof(root); std::basic_string<typename Json::char_type> buffer; auto it = location.begin(); auto end = location.end(); while (it != end) { buffer = *it; ++it; if (it != end) { current = jsoncons::jsonpointer::detail::resolve(current, buffer, create_if_missing, ec); if (ec) return; } } if (current->is_array()) { if (buffer.size() == 1 && buffer[0] == '-') { current->emplace_back(std::forward<T>(value)); current = std::addressof(current->at(current->size()-1)); } else { std::size_t index{0}; auto result = jsoncons::detail::to_integer_decimal(buffer.data(), buffer.length(), index); if (!result) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::invalid_index; return; } if (index > current->size()) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::index_exceeds_array_size; return; } if (index == current->size()) { current->emplace_back(std::forward<T>(value)); current = std::addressof(current->at(current->size()-1)); } else { auto it2 = current->insert(current->array_range().begin()+index,std::forward<T>(value)); current = std::addressof(*it2); } } } else if (current->is_object()) { auto r = current->insert_or_assign(buffer,std::forward<T>(value)); current = std::addressof(r.first->value()); } else { ec = jsonpointer_errc::expected_object_or_array; return; } } // add template<class Json, class StringSource, class T> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,void>::type add(Json& root, const StringSource& location_str, T&& value, bool create_if_missing, std::error_code& ec) { auto jsonptr = basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>::parse(location_str, ec); if (ec) { return; } add(root, jsonptr, std::forward<T>(value), create_if_missing, ec); } template<class Json,class T> void add(Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location, T&& value, std::error_code& ec) { add(root, location, std::forward<T>(value), false, ec); } template<class Json, class StringSource, class T> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,void>::type add(Json& root, const StringSource& location_str, T&& value, std::error_code& ec) { add(root, location_str, std::forward<T>(value), false, ec); } template<class Json,class T> void add(Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location, T&& value, bool create_if_missing = false) { std::error_code ec; add(root, location, std::forward<T>(value), create_if_missing, ec); if (ec) { JSONCONS_THROW(jsonpointer_error(ec)); } } template<class Json, class StringSource, class T> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,void>::type add(Json& root, const StringSource& location_str, T&& value, bool create_if_missing = false) { std::error_code ec; add(root, location_str, std::forward<T>(value), create_if_missing, ec); if (ec) { JSONCONS_THROW(jsonpointer_error(ec)); } } // add_if_absent template<class Json, class T> void add_if_absent(Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location, T&& value, bool create_if_missing, std::error_code& ec) { Json* current = std::addressof(root); std::basic_string<typename Json::char_type> buffer; auto it = location.begin(); auto end = location.end(); while (it != end) { buffer = *it; ++it; if (it != end) { current = jsoncons::jsonpointer::detail::resolve(current, buffer, create_if_missing, ec); if (ec) return; } } if (current->is_array()) { if (buffer.size() == 1 && buffer[0] == '-') { current->emplace_back(std::forward<T>(value)); current = std::addressof(current->at(current->size()-1)); } else { std::size_t index{0}; auto result = jsoncons::detail::to_integer_decimal(buffer.data(), buffer.length(), index); if (!result) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::invalid_index; return; } if (index > current->size()) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::index_exceeds_array_size; return; } if (index == current->size()) { current->emplace_back(std::forward<T>(value)); current = std::addressof(current->at(current->size()-1)); } else { auto it2 = current->insert(current->array_range().begin()+index,std::forward<T>(value)); current = std::addressof(*it2); } } } else if (current->is_object()) { if (current->contains(buffer)) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::key_already_exists; return; } else { auto r = current->try_emplace(buffer,std::forward<T>(value)); current = std::addressof(r.first->value()); } } else { ec = jsonpointer_errc::expected_object_or_array; return; } } template<class Json, class StringSource, class T> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,void>::type add_if_absent(Json& root, const StringSource& location_str, T&& value, bool create_if_missing, std::error_code& ec) { auto jsonptr = basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>::parse(location_str, ec); if (ec) { return; } add_if_absent(root, jsonptr, std::forward<T>(value), create_if_missing, ec); } template<class Json, class StringSource, class T> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,void>::type add_if_absent(Json& root, const StringSource& location, T&& value, std::error_code& ec) { add_if_absent(root, location, std::forward<T>(value), false, ec); } template<class Json, class StringSource, class T> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,void>::type add_if_absent(Json& root, const StringSource& location_str, T&& value, bool create_if_missing = false) { std::error_code ec; add_if_absent(root, location_str, std::forward<T>(value), create_if_missing, ec); if (ec) { JSONCONS_THROW(jsonpointer_error(ec)); } } template<class Json, class T> void add_if_absent(Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location, T&& value, std::error_code& ec) { add_if_absent(root, location, std::forward<T>(value), false, ec); } template<class Json, class T> void add_if_absent(Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location, T&& value, bool create_if_missing = false) { std::error_code ec; add_if_absent(root, location, std::forward<T>(value), create_if_missing, ec); if (ec) { JSONCONS_THROW(jsonpointer_error(ec)); } } // remove template<class Json> void remove(Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location, std::error_code& ec) { Json* current = std::addressof(root); std::basic_string<typename Json::char_type> buffer; auto it = location.begin(); auto end = location.end(); while (it != end) { buffer = *it; ++it; if (it != end) { current = jsoncons::jsonpointer::detail::resolve(current, buffer, false, ec); if (ec) return; } } if (current->is_array()) { if (buffer.size() == 1 && buffer[0] == '-') { ec = jsonpointer_errc::index_exceeds_array_size; return; } else { std::size_t index{0}; auto result = jsoncons::detail::to_integer_decimal(buffer.data(), buffer.length(), index); if (!result) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::invalid_index; return; } if (index >= current->size()) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::index_exceeds_array_size; return; } current->erase(current->array_range().begin()+index); } } else if (current->is_object()) { if (!current->contains(buffer)) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::key_not_found; return; } else { current->erase(buffer); } } else { ec = jsonpointer_errc::expected_object_or_array; return; } } template<class Json, class StringSource> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,void>::type remove(Json& root, const StringSource& location_str, std::error_code& ec) { auto jsonptr = basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>::parse(location_str, ec); if (ec) { return; } remove(root, jsonptr, ec); } template<class Json, class StringSource> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,void>::type remove(Json& root, const StringSource& location_str) { std::error_code ec; remove(root, location_str, ec); if (ec) { JSONCONS_THROW(jsonpointer_error(ec)); } } template<class Json> void remove(Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location) { std::error_code ec; remove(root, location, ec); if (ec) { JSONCONS_THROW(jsonpointer_error(ec)); } } // replace template<class Json, class T> void replace(Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location, T&& value, bool create_if_missing, std::error_code& ec) { Json* current = std::addressof(root); std::basic_string<typename Json::char_type> buffer; auto it = location.begin(); auto end = location.end(); while (it != end) { buffer = *it; ++it; if (it != end) { current = jsoncons::jsonpointer::detail::resolve(current, buffer, create_if_missing, ec); if (ec) return; } } if (current->is_array()) { if (buffer.size() == 1 && buffer[0] == '-') { ec = jsonpointer_errc::index_exceeds_array_size; return; } else { std::size_t index{}; auto result = jsoncons::detail::to_integer_decimal(buffer.data(), buffer.length(), index); if (!result) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::invalid_index; return; } if (index >= current->size()) { ec = jsonpointer_errc::index_exceeds_array_size; return; } current->at(index) = std::forward<T>(value); } } else if (current->is_object()) { if (!current->contains(buffer)) { if (create_if_missing) { current->try_emplace(buffer,std::forward<T>(value)); } else { ec = jsonpointer_errc::key_not_found; return; } } else { auto r = current->insert_or_assign(buffer,std::forward<T>(value)); current = std::addressof(r.first->value()); } } else { ec = jsonpointer_errc::expected_object_or_array; return; } } template<class Json, class StringSource, class T> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,void>::type replace(Json& root, const StringSource& location_str, T&& value, bool create_if_missing, std::error_code& ec) { auto jsonptr = basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>::parse(location_str, ec); if (ec) { return; } replace(root, jsonptr, std::forward<T>(value), create_if_missing, ec); } template<class Json, class StringSource, class T> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,void>::type replace(Json& root, const StringSource& location_str, T&& value, std::error_code& ec) { replace(root, location_str, std::forward<T>(value), false, ec); } template<class Json, class StringSource, class T> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<StringSource,jsoncons::basic_string_view<typename Json::char_type>>::value,void>::type replace(Json& root, const StringSource& location_str, T&& value, bool create_if_missing = false) { std::error_code ec; replace(root, location_str, std::forward<T>(value), create_if_missing, ec); if (ec) { JSONCONS_THROW(jsonpointer_error(ec)); } } template<class Json, class T> void replace(Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location, T&& value, std::error_code& ec) { replace(root, location, std::forward<T>(value), false, ec); } template<class Json, class T> void replace(Json& root, const basic_json_pointer<typename Json::char_type>& location, T&& value, bool create_if_missing = false) { std::error_code ec; replace(root, location, std::forward<T>(value), create_if_missing, ec); if (ec) { JSONCONS_THROW(jsonpointer_error(ec)); } } template <class String,class Result> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<typename String::value_type,typename Result::value_type>::value>::type escape(const String& s, Result& result) { for (auto c : s) { if (c == '~') { result.push_back('~'); result.push_back('0'); } else if (c == '/') { result.push_back('~'); result.push_back('1'); } else { result.push_back(c); } } } template <class CharT> std::basic_string<CharT> escape(const jsoncons::basic_string_view<CharT>& s) { std::basic_string<CharT> result; for (auto c : s) { if (c == '~') { result.push_back('~'); result.push_back('0'); } else if (c == '/') { result.push_back('~'); result.push_back('1'); } else { result.push_back(c); } } return result; } // flatten template<class Json> void flatten_(const std::basic_string<typename Json::char_type>& parent_key, const Json& parent_value, Json& result) { using char_type = typename Json::char_type; using string_type = std::basic_string<char_type>; switch (parent_value.type()) { case json_type::array_value: { if (parent_value.empty()) { // Flatten empty array to null //result.try_emplace(parent_key, null_type{}); //result[parent_key] = parent_value; result.try_emplace(parent_key, parent_value); } else { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < parent_value.size(); ++i) { string_type key(parent_key); key.push_back('/'); jsoncons::detail::from_integer(i,key); flatten_(key, parent_value.at(i), result); } } break; } case json_type::object_value: { if (parent_value.empty()) { // Flatten empty object to null //result.try_emplace(parent_key, null_type{}); //result[parent_key] = parent_value; result.try_emplace(parent_key, parent_value); } else { for (const auto& item : parent_value.object_range()) { string_type key(parent_key); key.push_back('/'); escape(jsoncons::basic_string_view<char_type>(item.key().data(),item.key().size()), key); flatten_(key, item.value(), result); } } break; } default: { // add primitive parent_value with its reference string //result[parent_key] = parent_value; result.try_emplace(parent_key, parent_value); break; } } } template<class Json> Json flatten(const Json& value) { Json result; std::basic_string<typename Json::char_type> parent_key; flatten_(parent_key, value, result); return result; } // unflatten enum class unflatten_options {none,assume_object = 1 #if !defined(JSONCONS_NO_DEPRECATED) ,object = assume_object #endif }; template<class Json> Json safe_unflatten (Json& value) { if (!value.is_object() || value.empty()) { return value; } bool safe = true; std::size_t index = 0; for (const auto& item : value.object_range()) { std::size_t n; auto r = jsoncons::detail::to_integer_decimal(item.key().data(),item.key().size(), n); if (!r || (index++ != n)) { safe = false; break; } } if (safe) { Json j(json_array_arg); j.reserve(value.size()); for (auto& item : value.object_range()) { j.emplace_back(std::move(item.value())); } Json a(json_array_arg); for (auto& item : j.array_range()) { a.emplace_back(safe_unflatten (item)); } return a; } else { Json o(json_object_arg); for (auto& item : value.object_range()) { o.try_emplace(item.key(), safe_unflatten (item.value())); } return o; } } template<class Json> jsoncons::optional<Json> try_unflatten_array(const Json& value) { using char_type = typename Json::char_type; if (JSONCONS_UNLIKELY(!value.is_object())) { JSONCONS_THROW(jsonpointer_error(jsonpointer_errc::argument_to_unflatten_invalid)); } Json result; for (const auto& item: value.object_range()) { Json* part = &result; basic_json_pointer<char_type> ptr(item.key()); std::size_t index = 0; for (auto it = ptr.begin(); it != ptr.end(); ) { auto s = *it; size_t n{0}; auto r = jsoncons::detail::to_integer_decimal(s.data(), s.size(), n); if (r.ec == jsoncons::detail::to_integer_errc() && (index++ == n)) { if (!part->is_array()) { *part = Json(json_array_arg); } if (++it != ptr.end()) { if (n+1 > part->size()) { Json& ref = part->emplace_back(); part = std::addressof(ref); } else { part = &part->at(n); } } else { Json& ref = part->emplace_back(item.value()); part = std::addressof(ref); } } else if (part->is_object()) { if (++it != ptr.end()) { auto res = part->try_emplace(s,Json()); part = &(res.first->value()); } else { auto res = part->try_emplace(s, item.value()); part = &(res.first->value()); } } else { return jsoncons::optional<Json>(); } } } return result; } template<class Json> Json unflatten_to_object(const Json& value, unflatten_options options = unflatten_options::none) { using char_type = typename Json::char_type; if (JSONCONS_UNLIKELY(!value.is_object())) { JSONCONS_THROW(jsonpointer_error(jsonpointer_errc::argument_to_unflatten_invalid)); } Json result; for (const auto& item: value.object_range()) { Json* part = &result; basic_json_pointer<char_type> ptr(item.key()); for (auto it = ptr.begin(); it != ptr.end(); ) { auto s = *it; if (++it != ptr.end()) { auto res = part->try_emplace(s,Json()); part = &(res.first->value()); } else { auto res = part->try_emplace(s, item.value()); part = &(res.first->value()); } } } return options == unflatten_options::none ? safe_unflatten (result) : result; } template<class Json> Json unflatten(const Json& value, unflatten_options options = unflatten_options::none) { if (options == unflatten_options::none) { jsoncons::optional<Json> j = try_unflatten_array(value); return j ? *j : unflatten_to_object(value,options); } else { return unflatten_to_object(value,options); } } #if !defined(JSONCONS_NO_DEPRECATED) template<class Json> JSONCONS_DEPRECATED_MSG("Instead, use add(Json&, const typename Json::string_view_type&, const Json&)") void insert_or_assign(Json& root, const std::basic_string<typename Json::char_type>& location, const Json& value) { add(root, location, value); } template<class Json> JSONCONS_DEPRECATED_MSG("Instead, use add(Json&, const typename Json::string_view_type&, const Json&, std::error_code&)") void insert_or_assign(Json& root, const std::basic_string<typename Json::char_type>& location, const Json& value, std::error_code& ec) { add(root, location, value, ec); } template<class Json, class T> void insert(Json& root, const std::basic_string<typename Json::char_type>& location, T&& value, bool create_if_missing, std::error_code& ec) { add_if_absent(root,location,std::forward<T>(value),create_if_missing,ec); } template<class Json, class T> void insert(Json& root, const std::basic_string<typename Json::char_type>& location, T&& value, std::error_code& ec) { add_if_absent(root, location, std::forward<T>(value), ec); } template<class Json, class T> void insert(Json& root, const std::basic_string<typename Json::char_type>& location, T&& value, bool create_if_missing = false) { add_if_absent(root, location, std::forward<T>(value), create_if_missing); } #endif } // namespace jsonpointer } // namespace jsoncons #endif