// Copyright 2018 vDaniel Parker
// Distributed under the Boost license, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

// See https://github.com/danielaparker/jsoncons for latest version


#include <cstdint>
#include <vector> // std::vector
#include <iostream>
#include <climits>
#include <cassert> // assert
#include <limits> // std::numeric_limits
#include <algorithm> // std::max, std::min, std::reverse
#include <string> // std::string
#include <cstring> // std::memcpy
#include <cmath> // std::fmod
#include <memory> // std::allocator
#include <initializer_list> // std::initializer_list
#include <type_traits> // std::enable_if
#include <jsoncons/config/jsoncons_config.hpp>

namespace jsoncons {

This implementation is based on Chapter 2 and Appendix A of
Ammeraal, L. (1996) Algorithms and Data Structures in C++,
Chichester: John Wiley.


namespace detail {

    template <class Allocator>
    class basic_bigint_base
        using allocator_type = Allocator;
        using basic_type_allocator_type = typename std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>:: template rebind_alloc<uint64_t>;

        basic_type_allocator_type alloc_;
       using allocator_traits_type = std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>;
       using stored_allocator_type = allocator_type;
       using pointer = typename allocator_traits_type::pointer;
       using value_type = typename allocator_traits_type::value_type;
       using size_type = typename allocator_traits_type::size_type;
       using pointer_traits = std::pointer_traits<pointer>;

            : alloc_()
        explicit basic_bigint_base(const allocator_type& alloc)
            : alloc_(basic_type_allocator_type(alloc))

        basic_type_allocator_type get_allocator() const
            return alloc_;

} // namespace detail

template <class Allocator = std::allocator<uint64_t>>
class basic_bigint : protected detail::basic_bigint_base<Allocator>
    using base_t = detail::basic_bigint_base<Allocator>;


    using size_type = typename base_t::size_type;
    using value_type = typename base_t::value_type;
    using base_t::get_allocator;
    using bigint_type = basic_bigint<Allocator>;

    static constexpr uint64_t max_basic_type = (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max)();
    static constexpr uint64_t basic_type_bits = sizeof(uint64_t) * 8;  // Number of bits
    static constexpr uint64_t basic_type_halfBits = basic_type_bits/2;

    static constexpr uint16_t word_length = 4; // Use multiples of word_length words
    static constexpr uint64_t r_mask = (uint64_t(1) << basic_type_halfBits) - 1;
    static constexpr uint64_t l_mask = max_basic_type - r_mask;
    static constexpr uint64_t l_bit = max_basic_type - (max_basic_type >> 1);


    struct common_storage
        uint8_t is_dynamic_:1; 
        uint8_t is_negative_:1; 
        size_type length_;

    struct short_storage
        uint8_t is_dynamic_:1; 
        uint8_t is_negative_:1; 
        size_type length_;
        uint64_t values_[2];

            : is_dynamic_(false), 

        template <class T>
        short_storage(T n, 
                      typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
                                              sizeof(T) <= sizeof(int64_t) &&
                                              std::is_signed<T>::value>::type* = 0)
            : is_dynamic_(false), 
              is_negative_(n < 0),
              length_(n == 0 ? 0 : 1)
            values_[0] = n < 0 ? (uint64_t(0)-static_cast<uint64_t>(n)) : static_cast<uint64_t>(n);
            values_[1] = 0;

        template <class T>
        short_storage(T n, 
                      typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
                                              sizeof(T) <= sizeof(int64_t) &&
                                              !std::is_signed<T>::value>::type* = 0)
            : is_dynamic_(false), 
              length_(n == 0 ? 0 : 1)
            values_[0] = n;
            values_[1] = 0;

        template <class T>
        short_storage(T n, 
                      typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
                                              sizeof(int64_t) < sizeof(T) &&
                                              std::is_signed<T>::value>::type* = 0)
            : is_dynamic_(false), 
              is_negative_(n < 0),
              length_(n == 0 ? 0 : 2)
            using unsigned_type = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;

            auto u = n < 0 ? (unsigned_type(0)-static_cast<unsigned_type>(n)) : static_cast<unsigned_type>(n);
            values_[0] = uint64_t(u & max_basic_type);;
            u >>= basic_type_bits;
            values_[1] = uint64_t(u & max_basic_type);;

        template <class T>
        short_storage(T n, 
                      typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
                                              sizeof(int64_t) < sizeof(T) &&
                                              !std::is_signed<T>::value>::type* = 0)
            : is_dynamic_(false), 
              length_(n == 0 ? 0 : 2)
            values_[0] = uint64_t(n & max_basic_type);;
            n >>= basic_type_bits;
            values_[1] = uint64_t(n & max_basic_type);;

        short_storage(const short_storage& stor)
            : is_dynamic_(false), 
            values_[0] = stor.values_[0];
            values_[1] = stor.values_[1];

        short_storage& operator=(const short_storage& stor) = delete;

    struct dynamic_storage
        using real_allocator_type = typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>:: template rebind_alloc<uint64_t>;
        using pointer = typename std::allocator_traits<real_allocator_type>::pointer;

        uint8_t is_dynamic_:1; 
        uint8_t is_negative_:1; 
        size_type length_;
        size_type capacity_;
        pointer data_;

            : is_dynamic_(true), 

        dynamic_storage(const dynamic_storage& stor, const real_allocator_type& alloc)
            : is_dynamic_(true), 
            create(stor.length_, alloc);
            std::memcpy(data_, stor.data_, stor.length_*sizeof(uint64_t));

        dynamic_storage(dynamic_storage&& stor) noexcept
            : is_dynamic_(true), 
            stor.length_ = 0;
            stor.capacity_ = 0;
            stor.data_ = nullptr;

        void create(size_type length, real_allocator_type alloc)
            capacity_ = round_up(length);
            data_ = std::allocator_traits<real_allocator_type>::allocate(alloc, capacity_);
                std::allocator_traits<real_allocator_type>::construct(alloc, type_traits::to_plain_pointer(data_));
                std::allocator_traits<real_allocator_type>::deallocate(alloc, data_, capacity_);

        void destroy(const real_allocator_type& a) noexcept
            if (data_ != nullptr)
                real_allocator_type alloc(a);

                std::allocator_traits<real_allocator_type>::destroy(alloc, type_traits::to_plain_pointer(data_));
                std::allocator_traits<real_allocator_type>::deallocate(alloc, data_,capacity_);

        void reserve(size_type n, const real_allocator_type& a)
            real_allocator_type alloc(a);

            size_type capacity_new = round_up(n);
            uint64_t* data_old = data_;
            data_ = std::allocator_traits<real_allocator_type>::allocate(alloc, capacity_new);
            if (length_ > 0)
                std::memcpy( data_, data_old, length_*sizeof(uint64_t));
            if (capacity_ > 0 && data_ != nullptr)
                std::allocator_traits<real_allocator_type>::deallocate(alloc, data_old, capacity_);
            capacity_ = capacity_new;

        // Find suitable new block size
        constexpr size_type round_up(size_type i) const 
            return (i/word_length + 1) * word_length;

        common_storage common_stor_;
        short_storage short_stor_;
        dynamic_storage dynamic_stor_;

        ::new (&short_stor_) short_storage();

    explicit basic_bigint(const Allocator& alloc)
        : base_t(alloc)
        ::new (&short_stor_) short_storage();

    basic_bigint(const basic_bigint<Allocator>& n)
        : base_t(n.get_allocator())
        if (!n.is_dynamic())
            ::new (&short_stor_) short_storage(n.short_stor_);
            ::new (&dynamic_stor_) dynamic_storage(n.dynamic_stor_, get_allocator());

    basic_bigint(basic_bigint<Allocator>&& other) noexcept
        : base_t(other.get_allocator())
        if (!other.is_dynamic())
            ::new (&short_stor_) short_storage(other.short_stor_);
            ::new (&dynamic_stor_) dynamic_storage(std::move(other.dynamic_stor_));

    template <class Integer>
    basic_bigint(Integer n, 
                 typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<Integer>::value>::type* = 0)
        ::new (&short_stor_) short_storage(n);

    ~basic_bigint() noexcept

    constexpr bool is_dynamic() const
        return common_stor_.is_dynamic_;

    constexpr size_type length() const
        return common_stor_.length_;

    constexpr size_type capacity() const
        return is_dynamic() ? dynamic_stor_.capacity_ : 2;

    bool is_negative() const
        return common_stor_.is_negative_;

    void is_negative(bool value) 
        common_stor_.is_negative_ = value;

    constexpr const uint64_t* data() const
        return is_dynamic() ? dynamic_stor_.data_ : short_stor_.values_;

    uint64_t* data() 
        return is_dynamic() ? dynamic_stor_.data_ : short_stor_.values_;

    template <class CharT>
    static basic_bigint<Allocator> from_string(const std::basic_string<CharT>& s)
        return from_string(s.data(), s.length());

    template <class CharT>
    static basic_bigint<Allocator> from_string(const CharT* s)
        return from_string(s, std::char_traits<CharT>::length(s));

    template <class CharT>
    static basic_bigint<Allocator> from_string(const CharT* data, size_type length)
        bool neg;
        if (*data == '-')
            neg = true;
            neg = false;

        basic_bigint<Allocator> v = 0;
        for (size_type i = 0; i < length; i++)
            CharT c = data[i];
            switch (c)
                case '0':case '1':case '2':case '3':case '4':case '5':case '6':case '7':case '8': case '9':
                    v = (v * 10) + (uint64_t)(c - '0');
                    JSONCONS_THROW(std::runtime_error(std::string("Invalid digit ") + "\'" + (char)c + "\'"));

        if (neg)
            v.common_stor_.is_negative_ = true;

        return v;

    template <class CharT>
    static basic_bigint<Allocator> from_string_radix(const CharT* data, size_type length, uint8_t radix)
        if (!(radix >= 2 && radix <= 16))
            JSONCONS_THROW(std::runtime_error("Unsupported radix"));

        bool neg;
        if (*data == '-')
            neg = true;
            neg = false;

        basic_bigint<Allocator> v = 0;
        for (size_type i = 0; i < length; i++)
            CharT c = data[i];
            uint64_t d;
            switch (c)
                case '0':case '1':case '2':case '3':case '4':case '5':case '6':case '7':case '8': case '9':
                    d = (uint64_t)(c - '0');
                case 'a':case 'b':case 'c':case 'd':case 'e':case 'f':
                    d = (uint64_t)(c - ('a' - 10));
                case 'A':case 'B':case 'C':case 'D':case 'E':case 'F':
                    d = (uint64_t)(c - ('A' - 10));
                    JSONCONS_THROW(std::runtime_error(std::string("Invalid digit in radix ") + std::to_string(radix) + ": \'" + (char)c + "\'"));
            if (d >= radix)
                JSONCONS_THROW(std::runtime_error(std::string("Invalid digit in radix ") + std::to_string(radix) + ": \'" + (char)c + "\'"));
            v = (v * radix) + d;

        if ( neg )
            v.common_stor_.is_negative_ = true;
        return v;

    static basic_bigint from_bytes_be(int signum, const uint8_t* str, std::size_t n)
        static const double radix_log2 = std::log2(next_power_of_two(256));
        // Estimate how big the result will be, so we can pre-allocate it.
        double bits = radix_log2 * n;
        double big_digits = std::ceil(bits / 64.0);
        //std::cout << "ESTIMATED: " << big_digits << "\n";

        bigint_type v = 0;

        if (n > 0)
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
                v = (v * 256) + (uint64_t)(str[i]);
        //std::cout << "ACTUAL: " << v.length() << "\n";

        if (signum < 0)
            v.common_stor_.is_negative_ = true;

        return v;

    uint64_t* begin() { return is_dynamic() ? dynamic_stor_.data_ : short_stor_.values_; }
    const uint64_t* begin() const { return is_dynamic() ? dynamic_stor_.data_ : short_stor_.values_; }
    uint64_t* end() { return begin() + length(); }
    const uint64_t* end() const { return begin() + length(); }

    void resize(size_type n)
        size_type len_old = common_stor_.length_;
        common_stor_.length_ = n;
        if ( common_stor_.length_ > len_old )
            memset( data()+len_old, 0, (common_stor_.length_ - len_old)*sizeof(uint64_t) );

    void reserve(size_type n)
       if (capacity() < n)
           if (!is_dynamic())
               size_type size = short_stor_.length_;
               size_type is_neg = short_stor_.is_negative_;
               uint64_t values[2] = {short_stor_.values_[0], short_stor_.values_[1]};

               ::new (&dynamic_stor_) dynamic_storage();
               dynamic_stor_.reserve(n, get_allocator());
               dynamic_stor_.length_ = size;
               dynamic_stor_.is_negative_ = is_neg;
               dynamic_stor_.data_[0] = values[0];
               dynamic_stor_.data_[1] = values[1];
               dynamic_stor_.reserve(n, get_allocator());

    // operators

    bool operator!() const
        return length() == 0 ? true : false;

    basic_bigint operator-() const
        basic_bigint<Allocator> v(*this);
        v.common_stor_.is_negative_ = !v.is_negative();
        return v;

    basic_bigint& operator=( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y )
        if ( this != &y )
            resize( y.length() );
            common_stor_.is_negative_ = y.is_negative();
            if ( y.length() > 0 )
                std::memcpy( data(), y.data(), y.length()*sizeof(uint64_t) );
        return *this;

    basic_bigint& operator+=( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y )
        if ( is_negative() != y.is_negative() )
            return *this -= -y;
        uint64_t d;
        uint64_t carry = 0;

        resize( (std::max)(y.length(), length()) + 1 );

        for (size_type i = 0; i < length(); i++ )
            if ( i >= y.length() && carry == 0 )
            d = data()[i] + carry;
            carry = d < carry;
            if ( i < y.length() )
                data()[i] = d + y.data()[i];
                if ( data()[i] < d )
                    carry = 1;
                data()[i] = d;
        return *this;

    basic_bigint& operator-=( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y )
        if ( is_negative() != y.is_negative() )
            return *this += -y;
        if ( (!is_negative() && y > *this) || (is_negative() && y < *this) )
            return *this = -(y - *this);
        uint64_t borrow = 0;
        uint64_t d;
        for (size_type i = 0; i < length(); i++ )
            if ( i >= y.length() && borrow == 0 )
            d = data()[i] - borrow;
            borrow = d > data()[i];
            if ( i < y.length())
                data()[i] = d - y.data()[i];
                if ( data()[i] > d )
                    borrow = 1;
                data()[i] = d;
        return *this;

    basic_bigint& operator*=( int64_t y )
        *this *= uint64_t(y < 0 ? -y : y);
        if ( y < 0 )
            common_stor_.is_negative_ = !is_negative();
        return *this;

    basic_bigint& operator*=( uint64_t y )
        size_type len0 = length();
        uint64_t hi;
        uint64_t lo;
        uint64_t dig = data()[0];
        uint64_t carry = 0;

        resize( length() + 1 );

        size_type i = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < len0; i++ )
            DDproduct( dig, y, hi, lo );
            data()[i] = lo + carry;
            dig = data()[i+1];
            carry = hi + (data()[i] < lo);
        data()[i] = carry;
        return *this;

    basic_bigint& operator*=( basic_bigint<Allocator> y )
        if ( length() == 0 || y.length() == 0 )
                    return *this = 0;
        bool difSigns = is_negative() != y.is_negative();
        if ( length() + y.length() == 2 ) // length() = y.length() = 1
            uint64_t a = data()[0], b = y.data()[0];
            data()[0] = a * b;
            if ( data()[0] / a != b )
                resize( 2 );
                DDproduct( a, b, data()[1], data()[0] );
            common_stor_.is_negative_ = difSigns;
            return *this;
        if ( length() == 1 )  //  && y.length() > 1
            uint64_t digit = data()[0];
            *this = y;
            *this *= digit;
            if ( y.length() == 1 )
                *this *= y.data()[0];
                size_type lenProd = length() + y.length(), jA, jB;
                uint64_t sumHi = 0, sumLo, hi, lo,
                sumLo_old, sumHi_old, carry=0;
                basic_bigint<Allocator> x = *this;
                resize( lenProd ); // Give *this length lenProd

                for (size_type i = 0; i < lenProd; i++ )
                    sumLo = sumHi;
                    sumHi = carry;
                    carry = 0;
                    for ( jA=0; jA < x.length(); jA++ )
                        jB = i - jA;
                        if ( jB >= 0 && jB < y.length() )
                            DDproduct( x.data()[jA], y.data()[jB], hi, lo );
                            sumLo_old = sumLo;
                            sumHi_old = sumHi;
                            sumLo += lo;
                            if ( sumLo < sumLo_old )
                            sumHi += hi;
                            carry += (sumHi < sumHi_old);
                    data()[i] = sumLo;
       common_stor_.is_negative_ = difSigns;
       return *this;

    basic_bigint& operator/=( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& divisor )
        basic_bigint<Allocator> r;
        divide( divisor, *this, r, false );
        return *this;

    basic_bigint& operator%=( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& divisor )
        basic_bigint<Allocator> q;
        divide( divisor, q, *this, true );
        return *this;

    basic_bigint& operator<<=( uint64_t k )
        size_type q = (size_type)(k / basic_type_bits);
        if ( q ) // Increase common_stor_.length_ by q:
            resize(length() + q);
            for (size_type i = length(); i-- > 0; )
                data()[i] = ( i < q ? 0 : data()[i - q]);
            k %= basic_type_bits;
        if ( k )  // 0 < k < basic_type_bits:
            uint64_t k1 = basic_type_bits - k;
            uint64_t mask = (uint64_t(1) << k) - uint64_t(1);
            resize( length() + 1 );
            for (size_type i = length(); i-- > 0; )
                data()[i] <<= k;
                if ( i > 0 )
                    data()[i] |= (data()[i-1] >> k1) & mask;
        return *this;

    basic_bigint& operator>>=(uint64_t k)
        size_type q = (size_type)(k / basic_type_bits);
        if ( q >= length() )
            resize( 0 );
            return *this;
        if (q > 0)
            memmove( data(), data()+q, (size_type)((length() - q)*sizeof(uint64_t)) );
            resize( length() - q );
            k %= basic_type_bits;
            if ( k == 0 )
                return *this;

        size_type n = (size_type)(length() - 1);
        int64_t k1 = basic_type_bits - k;
        uint64_t mask = (uint64_t(1) << k) - 1;
        for (size_type i = 0; i <= n; i++)
            data()[i] >>= k;
            if ( i < n )
                data()[i] |= ((data()[i+1] & mask) << k1);
        return *this;

    basic_bigint& operator++()
        *this += 1;
        return *this;

    basic_bigint<Allocator> operator++(int)
        basic_bigint<Allocator> old = *this;
        return old;

    basic_bigint<Allocator>& operator--()
        *this -= 1;
        return *this;

    basic_bigint<Allocator> operator--(int)
        basic_bigint<Allocator> old = *this;
        return old;

    basic_bigint& operator|=( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& a )
        if ( length() < a.length() )
            resize( a.length() );

        const uint64_t* qBegin = a.begin();
        const uint64_t* q =      a.end() - 1;
        uint64_t*       p =      begin() + a.length() - 1;

        while ( q >= qBegin )
            *p-- |= *q--;


        return *this;

    basic_bigint& operator^=( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& a )
        if ( length() < a.length() )
            resize( a.length() );

        const uint64_t* qBegin = a.begin();
        const uint64_t* q = a.end() - 1;
        uint64_t* p = begin() + a.length() - 1;

        while ( q >= qBegin )
            *p-- ^= *q--;


        return *this;

    basic_bigint& operator&=( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& a )
        size_type old_length = length();

        resize( (std::min)( length(), a.length() ) );

        const uint64_t* pBegin = begin();
        uint64_t* p = end() - 1;
        const uint64_t* q = a.begin() + length() - 1;

        while ( p >= pBegin )
            *p-- &= *q--;

        if ( old_length > length() )
            memset( data() + length(), 0, old_length - length() );


        return *this;

    explicit operator bool() const
       return length() != 0 ? true : false;

    explicit operator int64_t() const
       int64_t x = 0;
       if ( length() > 0 )
           x = data() [0];

       return is_negative() ? -x : x;

    explicit operator uint64_t() const
       uint64_t u = 0;
       if ( length() > 0 )
           u = data() [0];

       return u;

    explicit operator double() const
        double x = 0.0;
        double factor = 1.0;
        double values = (double)max_basic_type + 1.0;

        const uint64_t* p = begin();
        const uint64_t* pEnd = end();
        while ( p < pEnd )
            x += *p*factor;
            factor *= values;

       return is_negative() ? -x : x;

    explicit operator long double() const
        long double x = 0.0;
        long double factor = 1.0;
        long double values = (long double)max_basic_type + 1.0;

        const uint64_t* p = begin();
        const uint64_t* pEnd = end();
        while ( p < pEnd )
            x += *p*factor;
            factor *= values;

       return is_negative() ? -x : x;

    template <typename Alloc>
    void write_bytes_be(int& signum, std::vector<uint8_t,Alloc>& data) const
        basic_bigint<Allocator> n(*this);
        signum = (n < 0) ? -1 : (n > 0 ? 1 : 0); 

        basic_bigint<Allocator> divisor(256);

        while (n >= 256)
            basic_bigint<Allocator> q;
            basic_bigint<Allocator> r;
            n.divide(divisor, q, r, true);
            n = q;
        if (n >= 0)

    std::string to_string() const
        std::string s;
        return s;

    template <typename Ch, typename Traits, typename Alloc>
    void write_string(std::basic_string<Ch,Traits,Alloc>& data) const
        basic_bigint<Allocator> v(*this);

        size_t len = (v.length() * basic_type_bits / 3) + 2;

        static uint64_t p10 = 1;
        static uint64_t ip10 = 0;

        if ( v.length() == 0 )
            uint64_t r;
            if ( p10 == 1 )
                while ( p10 <= (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max)()/10 )
                    p10 *= 10;
            // p10 is max unsigned power of 10
            basic_bigint<Allocator> R;
            basic_bigint<Allocator> LP10 = p10; // LP10 = p10 = ::pow(10, ip10)

                v.divide( LP10, v, R, true );
                r = (R.length() ? R.data()[0] : 0);
                for ( size_type j=0; j < ip10; j++ )
                    data.push_back(char(r % 10 + '0'));
                    r /= 10;
                    if ( r + v.length() == 0 )
            while ( v.length() );
            if (is_negative())

    std::string to_string_hex() const
        std::string s;
        return s;

    template <typename Ch, typename Traits, typename Alloc>
    void write_string_hex(std::basic_string<Ch,Traits,Alloc>& data) const
        basic_bigint<Allocator> v(*this);

        std::size_t len = (v.length() * basic_bigint<Allocator>::basic_type_bits / 3) + 2;
        // 1/3 > ln(2)/ln(10)
        static uint64_t p10 = 1;
        static uint64_t ip10 = 0;

        if ( v.length() == 0 )
            uint64_t r;
            if ( p10 == 1 )
                while ( p10 <= (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max)()/16 )
                    p10 *= 16;
            }                     // p10 is max unsigned power of 16
            basic_bigint<Allocator> R;
            basic_bigint<Allocator> LP10 = p10; // LP10 = p10 = ::pow(16, ip10)
                v.divide( LP10, v, R, true );
                r = (R.length() ? R.data()[0] : 0);
                for ( size_type j=0; j < ip10; j++ )
                    uint8_t c = r % 16;
                    data.push_back((c < 10) ? ('0' + c) : ('A' - 10 + c));
                    r /= 16;
                    if ( r + v.length() == 0 )
            while (v.length());

            if (is_negative())

//  Global Operators

    friend bool operator==( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y ) noexcept
        return x.compare(y) == 0 ? true : false;

    friend bool operator==( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& x, int y ) noexcept
        return x.compare(y) == 0 ? true : false;

    friend bool operator!=( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y ) noexcept
        return x.compare(y) != 0 ? true : false;

    friend bool operator!=( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& x, int y ) noexcept
        return x.compare(basic_bigint<Allocator>(y)) != 0 ? true : false;

    friend bool operator<( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y ) noexcept
       return x.compare(y) < 0 ? true : false;

    friend bool operator<( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& x, int64_t y ) noexcept
       return x.compare(y) < 0 ? true : false;

    friend bool operator>( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y ) noexcept
        return x.compare(y) > 0 ? true : false;

    friend bool operator>( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& x, int y ) noexcept
        return x.compare(basic_bigint<Allocator>(y)) > 0 ? true : false;

    friend bool operator<=( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y ) noexcept
        return x.compare(y) <= 0 ? true : false;

    friend bool operator<=( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& x, int y ) noexcept
        return x.compare(y) <= 0 ? true : false;

    friend bool operator>=( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y ) noexcept
        return x.compare(y) >= 0 ? true : false;

    friend bool operator>=( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& x, int y ) noexcept
        return x.compare(y) >= 0 ? true : false;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator+( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y )
        return x += y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator+( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, int64_t y )
        return x += y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator-( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y )
        return x -= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator-( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, int64_t y )
        return x -= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator*( int64_t x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y )
        return basic_bigint<Allocator>(y) *= x;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator*( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y )
        return x *= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator*( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, int64_t y )
        return x *= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator/( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y )
        return x /= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator/( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, int y )
        return x /= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator%( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y )
        return x %= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator<<( basic_bigint<Allocator> u, unsigned k )
        return u <<= k;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator<<( basic_bigint<Allocator> u, int k )
        return u <<= k;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator>>( basic_bigint<Allocator> u, unsigned k )
        return u >>= k;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator>>( basic_bigint<Allocator> u, int k )
        return u >>= k;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator|( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y )
        return x |= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator|( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, int y )
        return x |= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator|( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, unsigned y )
        return x |= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator^( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y )
        return x ^= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator^( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, int y )
        return x ^= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator^( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, unsigned y )
        return x ^= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator&( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y )
        return x &= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator&( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, int y )
        return x &= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> operator&( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, unsigned y )
        return x &= y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> abs( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& a )
        if ( a.is_negative() )
            return -a;
        return a;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> power( basic_bigint<Allocator> x, unsigned n )
        basic_bigint<Allocator> y = 1;

        while ( n )
            if ( n & 1 )
                y *= x;
            x *= x;
            n >>= 1;

        return y;

    friend basic_bigint<Allocator> sqrt( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& a )
        basic_bigint<Allocator> x = a;
        basic_bigint<Allocator> b = a;
        basic_bigint<Allocator> q;

        b <<= 1;
        while ( b >>= 2, b > 0 )
            x >>= 1;
        while ( x > (q = a/x) + 1 || x < q - 1 )
            x += q;
            x >>= 1;
        return x < q ? x : q;

    template <class CharT>
    friend std::basic_ostream<CharT>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT>& os, const basic_bigint<Allocator>& v)
        std::basic_string<CharT> s;
        os << s;

        return os;

    int compare( const basic_bigint<Allocator>& y ) const noexcept
        if ( is_negative() != y.is_negative() )
            return y.is_negative() - is_negative();
        int code = 0;
        if ( length() == 0 && y.length() == 0 )
            code = 0;
        else if ( length() < y.length() )
            code = -1;
        else if ( length() > y.length() )
            code = +1;
            for (size_type i = length(); i-- > 0; )
                if (data()[i] > y.data()[i])
                    code = 1;
                else if (data()[i] < y.data()[i])
                    code = -1;
        return is_negative() ? -code : code;

    void divide( basic_bigint<Allocator> denom, basic_bigint<Allocator>& quot, basic_bigint<Allocator>& rem, bool remDesired ) const
        if ( denom.length() == 0 )
            JSONCONS_THROW(std::runtime_error( "Zero divide." ));
        bool quot_neg = is_negative() ^ denom.is_negative();
        bool rem_neg = is_negative();
        int x = 0;
        basic_bigint<Allocator> num = *this;
        num.common_stor_.is_negative_ = denom.common_stor_.is_negative_ = false;
        if ( num < denom )
            quot = uint64_t(0);
            rem = num;
            rem.common_stor_.is_negative_ = rem_neg;
        if ( denom.length() == 1 && num.length() == 1 )
            quot = uint64_t( num.data()[0]/denom.data()[0] );
            rem = uint64_t( num.data()[0]%denom.data()[0] );
            quot.common_stor_.is_negative_ = quot_neg;
            rem.common_stor_.is_negative_ = rem_neg;
        else if (denom.length() == 1 && (denom.data()[0] & l_mask) == 0 )
            // Denominator fits into a half word
            uint64_t divisor = denom.data()[0], dHi = 0,
                     q1, r, q2, dividend;
            for (size_type i=length(); i-- > 0; )
                dividend = (dHi << basic_type_halfBits) | (data()[i] >> basic_type_halfBits);
                q1 = dividend/divisor;
                r = dividend % divisor;
                dividend = (r << basic_type_halfBits) | (data()[i] & r_mask);
                q2 = dividend/divisor;
                dHi = dividend % divisor;
                quot.data()[i] = (q1 << basic_type_halfBits) | q2;
            rem = dHi;
            quot.common_stor_.is_negative_ = quot_neg;
            rem.common_stor_.is_negative_ = rem_neg;
        basic_bigint<Allocator> num0 = num, denom0 = denom;
        int second_done = normalize(denom, num, x);
        size_type l = denom.length() - 1;
        size_type n = num.length() - 1;
        quot.resize(n - l);
        for (size_type i=quot.length(); i-- > 0; )
            quot.data()[i] = 0;
        rem = num;
        if ( rem.data()[n] >= denom.data()[l] )
            rem.resize(rem.length() + 1);
            quot.resize(quot.length() + 1);
        uint64_t d = denom.data()[l];
        for ( size_type k = n; k > l; k-- )
            uint64_t q = DDquotient(rem.data()[k], rem.data()[k-1], d);
            subtractmul( rem.data() + k - l - 1, denom.data(), l + 1, q );
            quot.data()[k - l - 1] = q;
        quot.common_stor_.is_negative_ = quot_neg;
        if ( remDesired )
            unnormalize(rem, x, second_done);
            rem.common_stor_.is_negative_ = rem_neg;
    void destroy() noexcept
        if (is_dynamic())
    void DDproduct( uint64_t A, uint64_t B,
                    uint64_t& hi, uint64_t& lo ) const
    // Multiplying two digits: (hi, lo) = A * B
        uint64_t hiA = A >> basic_type_halfBits, loA = A & r_mask,
                   hiB = B >> basic_type_halfBits, loB = B & r_mask,
                   mid1, mid2, old;

        lo = loA * loB;
        hi = hiA * hiB;
        mid1 = loA * hiB;
        mid2 = hiA * loB;
        old = lo;
        lo += mid1 << basic_type_halfBits;
            hi += (lo < old) + (mid1 >> basic_type_halfBits);
        old = lo;
        lo += mid2 << basic_type_halfBits;
            hi += (lo < old) + (mid2 >> basic_type_halfBits);

    uint64_t DDquotient( uint64_t A, uint64_t B, uint64_t d ) const
    // Divide double word (A, B) by d. Quotient = (qHi, qLo)
        uint64_t left, middle, right, qHi, qLo, x, dLo1,
                   dHi = d >> basic_type_halfBits, dLo = d & r_mask;
        qHi = A/(dHi + 1);
        // This initial guess of qHi may be too small.
        middle = qHi * dLo;
        left = qHi * dHi;
        x = B - (middle << basic_type_halfBits);
        A -= (middle >> basic_type_halfBits) + left + (x > B);
        B = x;
        dLo1 = dLo << basic_type_halfBits;
        // Increase qHi if necessary:
        while ( A > dHi || (A == dHi && B >= dLo1) )
            x = B - dLo1;
            A -= dHi + (x > B);
            B = x;
        qLo = ((A << basic_type_halfBits) | (B >> basic_type_halfBits))/(dHi + 1);
        // This initial guess of qLo may be too small.
        right = qLo * dLo;
        middle = qLo * dHi;
        x = B - right;
        A -= (x > B);
        B = x;
        x = B - (middle << basic_type_halfBits);
            A -= (middle >> basic_type_halfBits) + (x > B);
        B = x;
        // Increase qLo if necessary:
        while ( A || B >= d )
            x = B - d;
            A -= (x > B);
            B = x;
        return (qHi << basic_type_halfBits) + qLo;

    void subtractmul( uint64_t* a, uint64_t* b, size_type n, uint64_t& q ) const
    // a -= q * b: b in n positions; correct q if necessary
        uint64_t hi, lo, d, carry = 0;
        size_type i;
        for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            DDproduct( b[i], q, hi, lo );
            d = a[i];
            a[i] -= lo;
            if ( a[i] > d )
            d = a[i + 1];
            a[i + 1] -= hi + carry;
            carry = a[i + 1] > d;
        if ( carry ) // q was too large
            carry = 0;
            for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                d = a[i] + carry;
                carry = d < carry;
                a[i] = d + b[i];
                if ( a[i] < d )
                    carry = 1;
            a[n] = 0;

    int normalize( basic_bigint<Allocator>& denom, basic_bigint<Allocator>& num, int& x ) const
        size_type r = denom.length() - 1;
        uint64_t y = denom.data()[r];

        x = 0;
        while ( (y & l_bit) == 0 )
            y <<= 1;
        denom <<= x;
        num <<= x;
        if ( r > 0 && denom.data()[r] < denom.data()[r-1] )
            denom *= max_basic_type;
                    num *= max_basic_type;
            return 1;
        return 0;

    void unnormalize( basic_bigint<Allocator>& rem, int x, int secondDone ) const
        if ( secondDone )
            rem /= max_basic_type;
        if ( x > 0 )
            rem >>= x;

    size_type round_up(size_type i) const // Find suitable new block size
        return (i/word_length + 1) * word_length;

    void reduce()
        uint64_t* p = end() - 1;
        uint64_t* pBegin = begin();
        while ( p >= pBegin )
            if ( *p )
        if ( length() == 0 )
            common_stor_.is_negative_ = false;
    static uint64_t next_power_of_two(uint64_t n) {
        n = n - 1;
        n |= n >> 1;
        n |= n >> 2;
        n |= n >> 4;
        n |= n >> 8;
        n |= n >> 16;
        n |= n >> 32;
        return n + 1;

using bigint = basic_bigint<std::allocator<uint8_t>>;

JSONCONS_DEPRECATED_MSG("Instead, use bigint") typedef bigint bignum;

