#ifdef USE_PROCMAPS #include "pmparser.h" #include #define PROC_DIR "/proc/" #endif #include "maketable.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef USE_X11 #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef USE_PROCMAPS struct mempsname : csnd::Plugin<1, 1> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "S"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "i"; int init() { int pid = inargs[0]; char* path = (char*) csound->malloc(sizeof(char) * PATH_MAX); sprintf(path, "%s%d/cmdline", PROC_DIR, pid); FILE* f = fopen(path, "r"); char* buffer = (char*) csound->malloc(sizeof(char) * 1024); size_t size = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), 1024, f); if (size > 0) { if ('\n' == buffer[size - 1]) { buffer[size - 1] = '\0'; } } fclose(f); STRINGDAT &opath = outargs.str_data(0); opath.size = strlen(buffer); opath.data = buffer; csound->free(path); return OK; } }; struct memps : csnd::Plugin<1, 0> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "i[]"; static constexpr char const *itypes = ""; int init() { int* processes = (int*) csound->malloc(sizeof(int) * 1000); int processnum = 0; if (!getPIDs(processes, &processnum)) { return csound->init_error("Cannot read proc directory"); } csnd::Vector &out = outargs.vector_data(0); out.init(csound, processnum); for (int i = 0; i < processnum; i++) { out[i] = (MYFLT) processes[i]; } csound->free(processes); return OK; } bool isNumeric(char* input) { char* p; strtol(input, &p, 10); return *p == 0; } bool getPIDs(int* processes, int* processnum) { uid_t thisUser = getuid(); DIR* dir = opendir(PROC_DIR); struct dirent* de = NULL; if (dir == NULL) { //return false; // TODO breaks csound, why?? } char* path = (char*) csound->malloc(sizeof(char) * PATH_MAX); while (NULL != (de = readdir(dir))) { if (de->d_type == DT_DIR) { if (isNumeric(de->d_name)) { struct stat fileInfo; strcpy(path, PROC_DIR); strcat(path, de->d_name); if (stat(strcat(path, "/maps"), &fileInfo) == 0) { if (fileInfo.st_uid == thisUser) { (*processnum)++; *processes = (int)atoi(de->d_name); processes++; } } } } } csound->free(path); return true; } }; class MemParser { private: csnd::Csound* csound; int fd_mem; int pid; bool skip_zero; int buffer_write_position; // func arguments: index and value ; return false to stop iteration, true to continue void iterate_memory_step(std::function func) { MYFLT val; unsigned long* lbuffer = NULL; procmaps_iterator* maps = pmparser_parse(csound, pid); procmaps_struct* maps_tmp = NULL; while ((maps_tmp = pmparser_next(maps)) != NULL) { if (maps_tmp->is_r && maps_tmp->is_w) { unsigned long start = (unsigned long) maps_tmp->addr_start; unsigned long length = (unsigned long) maps_tmp->length; lbuffer = (unsigned long*) csound->malloc(sizeof(unsigned long) * length); lseek(fd_mem, start, SEEK_SET); read(fd_mem, lbuffer, length); for (long i = 0; i < length; i++) { val = ((MYFLT) lbuffer[i]) / ULONG_MAX; if (!skip_zero || (skip_zero && val > 0)) { if (!(func(i, val))) goto complete; } } if (lbuffer != NULL) { //csound->free(lbuffer); // causes segfault, WHY??????????? //lbuffer = NULL; } } } complete: if (lbuffer != NULL) { //csound->free(lbuffer); // causes segfault, WHY??????????? //lbuffer = NULL; } pmparser_free(csound, maps); } public: long total_size; MYFLT* buffer; int buffer_size; MemParser(csnd::Csound* csound, int pid, bool skip_zero) { this->csound = csound; this->skip_zero = skip_zero; this->pid = pid; total_size = 0; buffer = NULL; buffer_size = 0; buffer_write_position = 0; char* mem_path = (char*) csound->malloc(sizeof(char) * 50); sprintf(mem_path, "/proc/%d/mem", pid); fd_mem = open(mem_path, O_RDWR); csound->free(mem_path); } ~MemParser() { if (fd_mem) { close(fd_mem); } if (buffer != NULL) { csound->free(buffer); } } void allocate_buffer(int buffer_size) { buffer = (MYFLT*) csound->malloc(sizeof(MYFLT) * buffer_size); this->buffer_size = buffer_size; } long get_size() { total_size = 0; iterate_memory_step( [&](long index, MYFLT val) { total_size ++; return true; } ); return total_size; } int fill_buffer(MYFLT offset) { if (total_size == 0) { total_size = get_size(); } buffer_write_position = 0; if (offset > 1) offset = 1; long offset_position = total_size * offset; /*if (UNLIKELY(offset_position > total_size - (buffer_size + 1))) { offset_position = total_size - (buffer_size + 1); }*/ bool active; iterate_memory_step( [&](long index, MYFLT val) { if (index < offset_position) return true; buffer[buffer_write_position] = val; if (buffer_write_position < buffer_size) { buffer_write_position ++; } else { buffer_write_position = 0; return false; } return true; } ); } void fill_table(FUNC* table, long length) { long write_index = 0; bool active = true; iterate_memory_step( [&](long index, MYFLT val) { table->ftable[write_index] = val; write_index ++; return true; } ); } }; struct mempssize : csnd::Plugin<1, 2> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "i"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "io"; int init() { MemParser* mp = new MemParser(csound, (int)inargs[0], (inargs[1] > 0)); long length = mp->get_size(); outargs[0] = FL(length); return OK; } }; // ifn mem2tab ipid, iskipzero=0 struct mem2tab : csnd::Plugin<1, 2> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "i"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "io"; int init() { FUNC *table; MemParser* mp = new MemParser(csound, (int)inargs[0], (inargs[1] > 0)); long length = mp->get_size(); if ((maketable(csound, (int)length, &table, 1)) != OK) { return csound->init_error("Cannot create ftable"); } mp->fill_table(table, (int)length); outargs[0] = table->fno; return OK; } }; // read memory from a given pid as audio // aout memson ipid, koffset, kbuffermultiplier, ibuffersize=441000, iskipzero=0 struct memson : csnd::Plugin<1, 5> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "a"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "ikkjo"; MemParser* mp; int buffer_read_position; MYFLT last_offset; int init() { mp = new MemParser(csound, (int)inargs[0], (inargs[4] > 0)); mp->allocate_buffer((inargs[2] == -1)? 441000: (int) inargs[3]); buffer_read_position = 0; last_offset = inargs[1]; mp->fill_buffer(last_offset); return OK; } int aperf() { MYFLT buffer_multiplier = inargs[2]; if (UNLIKELY(buffer_multiplier > 1)) { buffer_multiplier = 1; } else if (UNLIKELY(buffer_multiplier < 0)) { buffer_multiplier = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < nsmps; i++) { outargs(0)[i] = mp->buffer[buffer_read_position]; if (LIKELY(buffer_read_position < mp->buffer_size*buffer_multiplier)) { buffer_read_position++; } else { buffer_read_position = 0; } } if (inargs[1] != last_offset) { last_offset = inargs[1]; if (UNLIKELY(last_offset > 1)) { last_offset = 1; } else if (UNLIKELY(last_offset < 0)) { last_offset = 0; } mp->fill_buffer(last_offset); } return OK; } }; #endif // end with procmaps // ifn rawreadtable Sfile, ichannels, istart, iskip struct rawreadtable : csnd::Plugin<1, 4> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "i"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "Sjjj"; int init() { FILE* infile; STRINGDAT &path = inargs.str_data(0); FUNC *table; int channels = (inargs[1] == 2) ? 2 : 1; int start = (inargs[2] < 0) ? 0 : (int) inargs[2]; int skip = (inargs[3] < 1) ? 1 : (int) inargs[3]; int buffsize = 16384; char* buffer = (char*) csound->malloc(sizeof(char) * buffsize); size_t buffused; int readpos = 0; long int writepos = 0; infile = fopen(path.data, "rb"); fseek(infile, 0L, SEEK_END); int length = ftell(infile) / skip; fseek(infile, start, SEEK_SET); if ((maketable(csound, (int)length, &table, channels)) != OK) { return csound->init_error("Cannot create ftable"); } buffused = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), buffsize, infile); while (buffused != 0) { while (readpos < buffused) { table->ftable[writepos] = ((MYFLT) buffer[readpos] / CHAR_MAX); writepos ++; readpos += skip; } readpos = 0; buffused = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), buffsize, infile); } csound->free(buffer); outargs[0] = table->fno; return OK; } }; // aout rawread Sfile, [iloop = 0] struct rawread : csnd::Plugin<1, 2> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "a"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "So"; FILE* infile; char* buffer; int buffsize; size_t buffused; int readpos; bool doloop; bool dooutput; int init() { buffsize = 16384; readpos = 0; doloop = (inargs[1] >= 1) ? true : false; buffer = (char*) csound->malloc(sizeof(char) * buffsize); STRINGDAT &path = inargs.str_data(0); infile = fopen(path.data, "rb"); if (infile == NULL) { return csound->init_error("Cannot open file"); } dooutput = true; fillbuffer(); csound->plugin_deinit(this); return OK; } int deinit() { if (infile != NULL) { fclose(infile); } return OK; } void fillbuffer() { buffused = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), buffsize, infile); } int aperf() { if (!dooutput) { return OK; } for (int i = 0; i < nsmps; i++) { outargs(0)[i] = ((MYFLT) buffer[readpos] / CHAR_MAX); if (readpos + 1 < buffused) { readpos ++; } else { readpos = 0; fillbuffer(); if (buffused == 0) { if (doloop) { fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_SET); fillbuffer(); } else { dooutput = false; } } } } return OK; } }; // aL, aR rawread Sfile, [iloop = 0] struct rawreadstereo : csnd::Plugin<2, 2> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "aa"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "So"; FILE* infile; char* buffer; int buffsize; size_t buffused; int readpos; bool doloop; bool dooutput; int init() { buffsize = 16384; readpos = 0; doloop = (inargs[1] >= 1) ? true : false; buffer = (char*) csound->malloc(sizeof(char) * buffsize); STRINGDAT &path = inargs.str_data(0); infile = fopen(path.data, "rb"); if (infile == NULL) { return csound->init_error("Cannot open file"); } dooutput = true; fillbuffer(); csound->plugin_deinit(this); return OK; } int deinit() { if (infile != NULL) { fclose(infile); } return OK; } void fillbuffer() { buffused = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), buffsize, infile); } int aperf() { if (!dooutput) { return OK; } for (int i = 0; i < nsmps; i++) { outargs(0)[i] = ((MYFLT) buffer[readpos] / CHAR_MAX); // - 0.5 ; outargs(1)[i] = ((MYFLT) buffer[readpos+1] / CHAR_MAX); if (readpos + 2 < buffused) { readpos = readpos + 2; } else { readpos = 0; fillbuffer(); if (buffused == 0) { if (doloop) { fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_SET); fillbuffer(); } else { dooutput = false; } } } } return OK; } }; #ifdef USE_X11 struct winson : csnd::Plugin<1, 1> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "a"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "i"; Display* display; Window root; int width; int height; MYFLT* buffer; int buffer_size; int buffer_read_position; int buffer_write_position; int init() { display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); //root = DefaultRootWindow(display); root = 0x2200004; XWindowAttributes gwa; XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &gwa); width = gwa.width; height = gwa.height; buffer_size = width * height; buffer = (MYFLT*) csound->malloc(sizeof(MYFLT) * buffer_size); buffer_read_position = 0; buffer_write_position = 0; refill_buffer(); return OK; } int refill_buffer() { buffer_write_position = 0; XImage* image = XGetImage(display, root, 0, 0, width, height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y=0; y < height; y++) { buffer[buffer_write_position] = ((MYFLT) XGetPixel(image,x,y)) / 16777215; buffer_write_position++; } } return OK; } int aperf() { for (int i = 0; i < nsmps; i++) { outargs(0)[i] = buffer[buffer_read_position]; if (LIKELY(buffer_read_position + 1 < buffer_size)) { buffer_read_position++; } else { refill_buffer(); buffer_read_position = 0; } } return OK; } }; #endif #include void csnd::on_load(csnd::Csound *csound) { csnd::plugin(csound, "rawread", csnd::thread::ia); csnd::plugin(csound, "rawread.s", csnd::thread::ia); csnd::plugin(csound, "rawreadtable", csnd::thread::i); #ifdef USE_PROCMAPS csnd::plugin(csound, "memson", csnd::thread::ia); csnd::plugin(csound, "memps", csnd::thread::i); csnd::plugin(csound, "mempssize", csnd::thread::i); csnd::plugin(csound, "mempsname", csnd::thread::i); csnd::plugin(csound, "mem2tab", csnd::thread::i); #endif #ifdef USE_X11 csnd::plugin(csound, "winson", csnd::thread::ia); #endif }