/* opcodes.cpp Copyright (C) 2019 Richard Knight This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "connection.h" const char* dbname = "::dbconnection%d"; const char* badHandle = "cannot obtain connection from handle"; #define LOCK(connection) csound->get_csound()->LockMutex(connection->mutex); #define UNLOCK(connection) csound->get_csound()->UnlockMutex(connection->mutex); /* * Obtain connection from global variables by handle */ ConnectionData* getConnection(csnd::Csound* csound, MYFLT handle) { char buffer[32]; snprintf(buffer, 32, dbname, (int)handle); return (ConnectionData*) csound->query_global_variable(buffer); } /* * Create connection in global variables returning handle */ MYFLT CreateHandle(csnd::Csound* csound, ConnectionData** connection) { char buffer[32]; int handle = 0; snprintf(buffer, 32, dbname, handle); while ((*connection = (ConnectionData*) csound->query_global_variable(buffer)) != NULL) { snprintf(buffer, 32, dbname, ++handle); } csound->create_global_variable(buffer, sizeof(ConnectionData)); *connection = (ConnectionData*) csound->query_global_variable(buffer); return FL(handle); } /* * Thread for k rate query handling */ class QueryThread : public csnd::Thread { std::atomic_bool spinlock; std::atomic_bool on; ConnectionData* connection; QueryData* queryData; int sleepTime; public: bool pending; // if there is a query waiting to be processed char* charData; int charSize; char* error; int status; MYFLT flData; bool done; int ident; QueryThread(csnd::Csound *csound, ConnectionData* connection, QueryData* queryData) : Thread(csound), done(false), queryData(queryData), charSize(1), status(0), spinlock(false), pending(false), on(true), connection(connection), sleepTime(10) {}; uintptr_t run() { while(on) { lock(); if (pending) { LOCK(connection); try { switch (queryData->queryType) { case SCALARSTRING: { std::string resultString = connection->ScalarString(queryData->sql, queryData->row, queryData->col); if (charData != NULL) { csound->free(charData); } charData = csound->strdup((char*) resultString.c_str()); charSize = resultString.length() + 1; } break; case SCALAR: { flData = connection->Scalar(queryData->sql, queryData->row, queryData->col); } break; case EXEC: { connection->Exec(queryData->sql); } break; case ARRAY: { connection->ArrayQuery(queryData->sql, csound, queryData->array); } break; case ARRAYSTRING: { connection->ArrayQueryString(queryData->sql, csound, queryData->array); } break; } status = 0; done = true; pending = false; } catch (const std::exception &e) { status = 1; done = true; pending = false; error = csound->strdup((char*) e.what()); } UNLOCK(connection); } unlock(); csound->sleep(sleepTime); } return 0; } void do_query(char* sql, int row=0, int col=0) { if (queryData->sql != NULL) { //csound->free(queryData->sql); } queryData->sql = sql; queryData->row = row; queryData->col = col; pending = true; } void lock() { while (spinlock == true) { csound->sleep(sleepTime); // have as one k cycle ?? // was 100 } spinlock = true; } void unlock() { spinlock = false; } void stop() { on = false; } }; struct dbconnect_full : csnd::Plugin<1, 5> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "i"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "SSSSS"; ConnectionData* connection; int init() { csound->plugin_deinit(this); outargs[0] = CreateHandle(csound, &connection); connection->mutex = csound->get_csound()->Create_Mutex(0); STRINGDAT &dbType = inargs.str_data(0); STRINGDAT &dbHost = inargs.str_data(1); STRINGDAT &dbName = inargs.str_data(2); STRINGDAT &dbUser = inargs.str_data(3); STRINGDAT &dbPass = inargs.str_data(4); LoginData* login = (LoginData*) csound->malloc(sizeof(LoginData)); try { if (!strcmp(dbType.data, "postgresql")) { login->dbType = POSTGRES; } else if (!strcmp(dbType.data, "mysql")) { login->dbType = MYSQL; } else { return csound->init_error("database type not supported"); } login->dbHost = dbHost.data; login->dbName = dbName.data; login->dbUser = dbUser.data; login->dbPass = dbPass.data; connection->Init(csound, login); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return csound->init_error(e.what()); } return OK; } int deinit() { bool error; LOCK(connection); try { connection->Close(csound); } catch (const std::exception &e) { error = true; } UNLOCK(connection); csound->get_csound()->DestroyMutex(connection->mutex); return (error)? NOTOK: OK; } }; struct dbconnect_short : csnd::Plugin<1, 2> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "i"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "SS"; ConnectionData* connection; int init() { csound->plugin_deinit(this); outargs[0] = CreateHandle(csound, &connection); connection->mutex = csound->get_csound()->Create_Mutex(0); STRINGDAT &dbType = inargs.str_data(0); STRINGDAT &dbName = inargs.str_data(1); LoginData* login = (LoginData*) csound->malloc(sizeof(LoginData)); try { if (strcmp(dbType.data, "sqlite")) { return csound->init_error("database type not supported"); } login->dbType = SQLITE; login->dbName = dbName.data; connection->Init(csound, login); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return csound->init_error(e.what()); } return OK; } int deinit() { bool error; LOCK(connection); try { connection->Close(csound); } catch (const std::exception &e) { error = true; } UNLOCK(connection);; csound->get_csound()->DestroyMutex(connection->mutex); return (error)? NOTOK: OK; } }; /* * Base struct for threaded k-rate queries */ template struct DBPluginBaseK : csnd::Plugin { using csnd::Plugin::inargs; using csnd::Plugin::outargs; using csnd::Plugin::csound; ConnectionData* connection; QueryThread query; bool singleRun; bool singleComplete; int setup(int queryType, int row=0, int col=0, ARRAYDAT* array=NULL) { if (!(connection = getConnection(csound, inargs[0]))) { return csound->init_error(badHandle); } csound->plugin_deinit(this); QueryData* queryData = (QueryData*) csound->malloc(sizeof(QueryData)); queryData->queryType = queryType; queryData->row = row; queryData->col = col; if (array) { queryData->array = array; } if (inargs[2] == FL(-1)) { singleRun = true; } csnd::constr(&query, csound, connection, queryData); return OK; } int deinit() { query.stop(); query.join(); csnd::destr(&query); return OK; } MYFLT kcycle(int row=0, int col=0) { outargs[0] = FL(0); if (singleComplete && singleRun) { return OK; } if (UNLIKELY(query.done)) { if (query.status) { return csound->perf_error(query.error, this); } if (singleRun) { singleComplete = true; } query.lock(); query.done = false; query.unlock(); outargs[0] = FL(1); } if (UNLIKELY(!query.pending && (inargs[2] == FL(1) || singleRun) )) { query.lock(); query.do_query(csound->strdup(inargs.str_data(1).data), row, col); query.unlock(); } return OK; } }; // threaded k rate opcodes struct dbexec_k : DBPluginBaseK<1, 3> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "k"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iSk"; int init() { return setup(EXEC); } int kperf() { return kcycle(); } }; struct dbscalar_k : DBPluginBaseK<2, 5> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "kk"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iSkOO"; int init() { return setup(SCALAR, (int)inargs[3], (int)inargs[4]); } int kperf() { int response = kcycle((int)inargs[3], (int)inargs[4]); outargs[1] = query.flData; return response; } }; struct dbscalarstr_k : DBPluginBaseK<2, 5> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "kS"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iSkOO"; int init() { return setup(SCALARSTRING, (int)inargs[3], (int)inargs[4]); } int kperf() { int response = kcycle((int)inargs[3], (int)inargs[4]); STRINGDAT &result = outargs.str_data(1); result.size = query.charSize; result.data = query.charData; return response; } }; struct dbarray_k : DBPluginBaseK<2, 3> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "kk[][]"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iSk"; int init() { return setup(ARRAY, NULL, NULL, (ARRAYDAT*) outargs(1)); } int kperf() { return kcycle(); } }; struct dbarraystr_k : DBPluginBaseK<2, 3> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "kS[][]"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iSk"; int init() { return setup(ARRAYSTRING, NULL, NULL, (ARRAYDAT*) outargs(1)); } int kperf() { return kcycle(); } }; struct dbexec : csnd::InPlug<2> { static constexpr char const *otypes = ""; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iS"; ConnectionData* connection; int init() { if (!(connection = getConnection(csound, args[0]))) { return csound->init_error(badHandle); } STRINGDAT &sql = args.str_data(1); LOCK(connection); try { connection->Exec(sql.data); } catch (const std::exception &e) { UNLOCK(connection); return csound->init_error(e.what()); } UNLOCK(connection); return OK; } }; struct dbscalar : csnd::Plugin<1, 4> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "i"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iSoo"; ConnectionData* connection; int init() { if (!(connection = getConnection(csound, inargs[0]))) { return csound->init_error(badHandle); } STRINGDAT &sql = inargs.str_data(1); LOCK(connection); try { outargs[0] = connection->Scalar(sql.data, inargs[2], inargs[3]); } catch (const std::exception &e) { UNLOCK(connection); return csound->init_error(e.what()); } UNLOCK(connection) return OK; } }; struct dbscalarstr : csnd::Plugin<1, 4> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "S"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iSoo"; ConnectionData* connection; int init() { if (!(connection = getConnection(csound, inargs[0]))) { return csound->init_error(badHandle); } STRINGDAT &sql = inargs.str_data(1); STRINGDAT &result = outargs.str_data(0); LOCK(connection); try { std::string resultString = connection->ScalarString(sql.data, inargs[2], inargs[3]); result.size = resultString.length() + 1; result.data = csound->strdup((char*)resultString.c_str()); } catch (const std::exception &e) { UNLOCK(connection); return csound->init_error(e.what()); } UNLOCK(connection); return OK; } }; struct dbarray : csnd::Plugin<1, 2> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "i[][]"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iS"; ConnectionData* connection; int init() { if (!(connection = getConnection(csound, inargs[0]))) { return csound->init_error(badHandle); } STRINGDAT &sql = inargs.str_data(1); ARRAYDAT* array = (ARRAYDAT*) outargs(0); LOCK(connection); try { connection->ArrayQuery(sql.data, csound, array); return OK; } catch (const std::exception &e) { UNLOCK(connection); return csound->init_error(e.what()); } UNLOCK(connection); return OK; } }; struct dbarraystr : csnd::Plugin<1, 2> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "S[][]"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iS"; ConnectionData* connection; int init() { if (!(connection = getConnection(csound, inargs[0]))) { return csound->init_error(badHandle); } STRINGDAT &sql = inargs.str_data(1); ARRAYDAT* array = (ARRAYDAT*) outargs(0); LOCK(connection); try { connection->ArrayQueryString(sql.data, csound, array); } catch (const std::exception &e) { UNLOCK(connection); return csound->init_error(e.what()); } UNLOCK(connection); return OK; } }; // k rate blocking opcodes struct dbexec_kb : csnd::InPlug<2> { static constexpr char const *otypes = ""; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iS"; ConnectionData* connection; int init() { if (!(connection = getConnection(csound, args[0]))) { return csound->init_error(badHandle); } return OK; } int kperf() { STRINGDAT &sql = args.str_data(1); LOCK(connection); try { connection->Exec(sql.data); } catch (const std::exception &e) { UNLOCK(connection); return csound->perf_error(e.what(), this); } UNLOCK(connection); return OK; } }; struct dbscalar_kb : csnd::Plugin<1, 4> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "k"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iSOO"; ConnectionData* connection; int init() { if (!(connection = getConnection(csound, inargs[0]))) { return csound->init_error(badHandle); } return OK; } int kperf() { STRINGDAT &sql = inargs.str_data(1); LOCK(connection); try { outargs[0] = connection->Scalar(sql.data, inargs[2], inargs[3]); } catch (const std::exception &e) { UNLOCK(connection); return csound->perf_error(e.what(), this); } UNLOCK(connection); return OK; } }; struct dbscalarstr_kb : csnd::Plugin<1, 4> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "S"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iSOO"; ConnectionData* connection; int init() { if (!(connection = getConnection(csound, inargs[0]))) { return csound->init_error(badHandle); } return OK; } int kperf() { STRINGDAT &sql = inargs.str_data(1); STRINGDAT &result = outargs.str_data(0); LOCK(connection); try { std::string resultString = connection->ScalarString(sql.data, inargs[2], inargs[3]); result.size = resultString.length() + 1; result.data = csound->strdup((char*) resultString.c_str()); } catch (const std::exception &e) { UNLOCK(connection); return csound->perf_error(e.what(), this); } UNLOCK(connection); return OK; } }; struct dbarray_kb : csnd::Plugin<1, 2> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "k[][]"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iS"; ConnectionData* connection; int init() { if (!(connection = getConnection(csound, inargs[0]))) { return csound->init_error(badHandle); } return OK; } int kperf() { STRINGDAT &sql = inargs.str_data(1); ARRAYDAT* array = (ARRAYDAT*) outargs(0); LOCK(connection); try { connection->ArrayQuery(sql.data, csound, array); } catch (const std::exception &e) { UNLOCK(connection); return csound->perf_error(e.what(), this); } UNLOCK(connection); return OK; } }; struct dbarraystr_kb : csnd::Plugin<1, 2> { static constexpr char const *otypes = "S[][]"; static constexpr char const *itypes = "iS"; ConnectionData* connection; int init() { if (!(connection = getConnection(csound, inargs[0]))) { return csound->init_error(badHandle); } return OK; } int kperf() { STRINGDAT &sql = inargs.str_data(1); ARRAYDAT* array = (ARRAYDAT*) outargs(0); LOCK(connection); try { connection->ArrayQueryString(sql.data, csound, array); } catch (const std::exception &e) { UNLOCK(connection); return csound->perf_error(e.what(), this); } UNLOCK(connection); return OK; } }; #include void csnd::on_load(csnd::Csound *csound) { csnd::plugin(csound, "dbconnect.f", csnd::thread::i); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbconnect.s", csnd::thread::i); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbexec", csnd::thread::i); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbscalar", csnd::thread::i); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbscalar.S", csnd::thread::i); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbarray", csnd::thread::i); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbarray.S", csnd::thread::i); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbexec_k", csnd::thread::ik); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbscalar_k", csnd::thread::ik); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbscalar_k.S", csnd::thread::ik); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbarray_k", csnd::thread::ik); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbarray_k.S", csnd::thread::ik); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbexec_kb", csnd::thread::ik); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbscalar_kb", csnd::thread::ik); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbscalar_kb.S", csnd::thread::ik); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbarray_kb", csnd::thread::ik); csnd::plugin(csound, "dbarray_kb.S", csnd::thread::ik); }