Use a metro to trigger the insertion of points from a line into a sqlite database,
then read back the points in reverse order and play back with enveloping
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
seed 0
; sqlite3 takes a file path, or :memory: for a temporary in-memory database
;gidb dbconnect "sqlite", ":memory:"
gidb dbconnect "sqlite", "/tmp/example.db"
instr start_example
; create the table with just one float column
kdone1 dbexec_k gidb, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS frequencies (freq float)", -1
; execute when create table statement has completed - clear out if the table does exist
kdone2 dbexec_k gidb, "DELETE FROM frequencies", kdone1
; execute when delete has completed
schedkwhen kdone2, 0, 0, "db_insert", 0, 5
schedkwhen kdone2, 0, 0, "db_select", 5, 10
; insert frequency values from line into database at k rate
instr db_insert
; generate some data and print
kfreq line 440, p3, 1000
ktrigger metro 5
printk 0.2, kfreq
; insert snapshot with each metro (as long as the last query is still not pending)
Squery sprintfk "INSERT INTO frequencies (freq) VALUES (%f)", kfreq
kdone dbexec_k gidb, Squery, ktrigger
; read frequency values from database at i rate: obtain the values in reverse order
instr db_select
; get all values in descending order into an array
ires[][] dbarray gidb, "SELECT freq FROM frequencies ORDER BY freq desc"
itimestep = 0.3
index = 0
itime = 0
ilast = 0
; loop through the values and play the frequency with some basic interpolation between last current values
while (index < lenarray(ires)) do
if (ilast != 0) then
event_i "i", "playpitch", itime, itimestep, ilast, ires[index][0]
ilast = ires[index][0]
index += 1
itime += itimestep * 0.8
; basic oscillator instrument with envelope
instr playpitch
ipitch1 = p4
ipitch2 = p5
kamp linseg 0, p3*0.2, 1, p3*0.6, 1, p3*0.2, 0
kpitch line ipitch1, p3, ipitch2
aout oscil 0.8, kpitch
outs aout*kamp, aout*kamp
i "start_example" 0 15