# Connection ### dbconnect idb dbconnect Stype, Spath idb dbconnect Stype, Shost, Sdatabase, Suser, Spassword Connect to a database of type *Stype* and keep the reference in the handle *idb* SQLite connections require only the path to the database file, or *:memory:* can be used for an in-memory database. MySQL and PostgreSQL connections require hostname/IP, database name, username and password. Recommended to be run in the global orchestra space. ; SQLite connection gidb dbconnect "sqlite", "/path/to/database.db" ; MySQL and PostgreSQL connections gidb dbconnect "mysql", "hostname", "database_name", "username", "password" gidb dbconnect "postgresql", "hostname", "database_name", "username", "password" # Executing statements All opcodes require - *idb* , which is the handle created by the dbconnect opcode. - *Squery*, which is the SQL statement to be executed. ## i-rate query opcodes ### dbexec dbexec idb, Squery Execute a SQL statement returning no results. dbexec gidb, "CREATE TABLE frequencies (frequency FLOAT)" ### dbscalar ires dbscalar idb, Squery [, irow] [, icolumn] Sres dbscalar idb, Squery [, irow] [, icolumn] Return a single numeric or string value. Optionally *irow* and *icolumn* can be specified which default to 0 and 0 , ie the first value. inumber dbscalar gidb, "SELECT 1, 2, 3", 0, 2 Svalue dbscalarstr gidb, "SELECT 'this', 'is', 'a', 'test'" ### dbarray ires[][] dbarray idb, Squery Sres[][] dbarray idb, Squery Return a two-dimensional numeric or string array. ires[][] dbarray gidb, "SELECT 1, 2 UNION SELECT 3, 4" Sres[][] dbarray gidb, "SELECT 'this', 'is' UNION SELECT 'a', 'test'" ## k-rate query opcodes All opcodes require - *ktrigger* , which triggers the execution of the statement when the value is 1 or -1. If -1, any future triggers are ignored. For example *ktrigger* can be set to -1 initially and the statement will execute once. All opcodes emit - *kdone* , which is set to 1 for a single k-cycle when the statement execution has completed. ### dbexec_k kdone dbexec_k idb, Squery, ktrigger Execute a SQL statement returning no results. kdone dbexec_k gidb, "CREATE TABLE frequencies (frequency FLOAT)", -1 ### dbscalar_k kdone, kres dbscalar idb, Squery, ktrigger [, krow] [, kcolumn] kdone, Sres dbscalar idb, Squery, ktrigger [, krow] [, kcolumn] Return a single numeric or string value. Optionally *krow* and *kcolumn* can be specified which default to 0 and 0 , ie the first value. kdone, knumber dbscalar_k gidb, "SELECT 1, 2, 3", ktrigger, 0, 2 kdone, Svalue dbscalarstr_k gidb, "SELECT 'this', 'is', 'a', 'test'", ktrigger ### dbarray_k kdone, kres[][] dbarray_k idb, Squery, ktrigger kdone, Sres[][] dbarray_k idb, Squery, ktrigger Return a two-dimensional numeric or string array. Note: any operations on the result array may fail before the query has completed. Hence ideally initialise the array first, or make sure *kdone* == 1 , otherwise the accessing the array will fail. kdone, kres[][] dbarray gidb, "SELECT 1, 2 UNION SELECT 3, 4", -1 kdone, Sres[][] dbarray_k gidb, "SELECT 'this', 'is' UNION SELECT 'a', 'test'", ktrigger ## k-rate query opcodes (blocking) These opcodes will block the execution of the k-cycle until complete so should not be used for realtime purposes. Ie offline rendering or special operations (eg in example 7) should be fine. ### dbexec_kb dbexec_kb idb, Squery Execute a SQL statement returning no results. dbexec_kb gidb, "CREATE TABLE frequencies (frequency FLOAT)" ### dbscalar_kb kres dbscalar_kb idb, Squery [, krow] [, kcolumn] Sres dbscalarstr_kb idb, Squery [, krow] [, kcolumn] Return a single numeric or string value. Optionally *krow* and *kcolumn* can be specified which default to 0 and 0 , ie the first value. knumber dbscalar_kb gidb, "SELECT 1, 2, 3", 0, 2 Svalue dbscalar_kb gidb, "SELECT 'this', 'is', 'a', 'test'" ### dbarray_kb kres[][] dbarray_kb idb, Squery Sres[][] dbarray_kb idb, Squery Return a two-dimensional numeric or string array. kres[][] dbarray_kb gidb, "SELECT 1, 2 UNION SELECT 3, 4" Sres[][] dbarray_kb gidb, "SELECT 'this', 'is' UNION SELECT 'a', 'test'"