## Introduction csound-jstick was created in response to the builtin joystick opcode being a bit inefficient and not ideal to use. This attempts to make it a bit easier by presenting the output in two arrays (buttons and axes). A maximum of 4 axes and 12 buttons is supported. The opcode uses evdev so only works on Linux. ## Requirements - Csound development libraries - Cmake 3.8 or later ## Building Create a build directory at the top of the source tree, execute *cmake ..*, *make* and optionally *make install* as root. If the latter is not used/possible then the resulting module can be used with the *--opcode-lib* flag in Csound. eg: cd csound-jstick mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make && sudo make install ## Opcode overview ### jstick *kaxes[] kbuttons[] jstick inum Obtain joystick data at k-rate. - kaxes[] : array containing axis data normalised to between 0 and 1, size is 4 - kbuttons[] : array containing button data normalised to between 0 and 1, size is 12 - inum : the joystick number corresponding to /dev/input