#ifndef UDO_BID #define UDO_BID ## /* Debugger - Unfixed Bugs : BUG #9 Bug Infested Directive file parser v1 and tools Designed to create a reusable loop based score format in the Unfixed Bugs project and beyond. */ #define BID_VERSION #1.3# #include "txt_tools.udo" ; globals gibid_tempo init -1 ; beats per minute gibid_beattime init -1 ; time of one beat in second gibid_maxsection init -1 ; max number of sections gibid_chordfn init -1 ; current chord ftable gkbid_chordlength init -1 ; current chord length ; BID internals gibid_sectionlengths ftgen 0, 0, -64, -7, 0 ; section lengths gibid_sections[][] init 64, 64 ; section pointers to data gibid_sectiondata[][] init 99, 8 ; section data, ftables contained gibid_chordgroups[][] init 16, 12 ; chord groups, pointers to sectionchords by section gibid_sectionchords[] init 16 ; ftables of section chords gibid_currentchordnum = 0 ; current chord number gibid_lastchordgroup = -1 ; last chord group gibid_lastsection = -1 ; last section gSbid_sequenced[] init 1 ; internal tracking of sequenced elements gibid_sequenceinit init 1 ; internal tracking of sequenced init gibid_swingtime init -1 ; swing time calculated from percent /* Get BID instrument index, creating new reference if specified. Internal use only. index _bid_gettextindex Sname, [iaddifnotexists = -1] index BID instrument index Sname name to look up or create iaddifnotexists 1=create , default=fatal if not exists */ opcode _bid_gettextindex, i, Sj Sname, iaddifnotexists xin ifinalindex = -1 index = 0 while (index < lenarray(gSbid_sequenced)) do if (strcmp(gSbid_sequenced[index], Sname) == 0) then ifinalindex = index igoto complete endif index += 1 od if (iaddifnotexists == 1) then if (gibid_sequenceinit == 1) then gibid_sequenceinit = 0 SequencedNew[] fillarray Sname ifinalindex = 0 else SequencedNew[] init lenarray(gSbid_sequenced) + 1 index = 0 while (index < lenarray(gSbid_sequenced)) do SequencedNew[index] = gSbid_sequenced[index] index += 1 od SequencedNew[index] = Sname ifinalindex = index endif gSbid_sequenced = SequencedNew igoto complete else tt_notify_fatal(sprintf("Sequenced index for '%s' not found", Sname)) endif complete: xout ifinalindex endop /* Parse a row of comma-separated numerical values of either patterns or chords. Internal use only. inum _bid_parserowitems Sline, ix1, ix2, imode inum number of elements found parsed Sline input line ix1 array dimension 1 index ix2 array dimension 2 index imode 0=count elements; 1=write patterns; 2=write chords */ opcode _bid_parserowitems, i, Siii Sline, ix1, ix2, imode xin inum = 0 while (strlen(Sline) > 0) do icomma = strindex(Sline, ",") Stemp = strsub(Sline, 0, icomma) icomma = (icomma == -1) ? 0 : icomma Sline = strsub(Sline, icomma + 1) if (imode == 1) then tabw_i strtod(Stemp), inum, gibid_sectiondata[ix1][ix2] elseif (imode == 2) then tabw_i strtod(Stemp), inum, gibid_chordgroups[ix1][ix2] endif inum += 1 od xout inum endop /* Get a parameter for the specified pattern position. ipos and idataindex are provided as p4 and p5 to instruments scheduled by bid_seq, hence can typically used as bid_getparameter(p4, p5, iparameter) idata bid_getparameter ipos, idataindex, iparameter idata the resulting value ipos position in pattern idataindex section specific data index; pointer to ftable iparameter parameter index as in BID file; defaults include 0=on/off, 1=duration, 2=amp, 3=chance */ opcode bid_getparameter, i, iii ipos, idataindex, iparameter xin xout tab_i(ipos, gibid_sectiondata[idataindex][iparameter]) endop /* Get a section length in beats klength bid_getsectionlength ksection klength length in beats ksection section to look up */ opcode bid_getsectionlength, k, k ksection xin xout tab:k(ksection, gibid_sectionlengths) endop /* Parse a row of comma-separated values to either section patterns or chord storage. Scans row, assigns ftable of appropriate length and then fills ftable. Internal use only. _bid_parserow Sline, ix1, ix2, imode Sline line to parse ix1 array dimension 1 index of target storage ix2 array dimension 2 index of target storage imode 1=section patterns, 2=chords */ opcode _bid_parserow, 0, Siii Sline, ix1, ix2, imode xin isize = _bid_parserowitems(Sline, ix1, ix2, 0) if (imode == 1) then gibid_sectiondata[ix1][ix2] ftgen 0, 0, -isize, -7, 0 elseif (imode == 2) then gibid_chordgroups[ix1][ix2] ftgen 0, 0, -isize, -7, 0 endif isize = _bid_parserowitems(Sline, ix1, ix2, imode) endop /* Parse a line from a BID string Internal use only. idataout[] _bid_parseline Sline, idatain[] idataout[] state data Sline line to parse idatain[] state data */ opcode _bid_parseline, i[], Si[] Sline, idata[] xin iparameter = idata[0] isection = idata[1] ichordnum = idata[2] isectiondataindex = idata[3] imode = idata[4] if (strlen(Sline) > 0) then Sfirstchar = strsub(Sline, 0, 1) ; comment if (strcmp(Sfirstchar, ";") == 0) then ; no action ; version check elseif (strcmp(Sfirstchar, "v") == 0) then imode = 0 iversion = strtod(strsub(Sline, 2)) if (iversion != $BID_VERSION) then tt_notify(sprintf("Incompatible BID file version: got %.2f , expected %.2f", iversion, $BID_VERSION)) exitnow endif ; section header elseif (strcmp(Sfirstchar, "s") == 0) then imode = 1 icomma = strindex(Sline, ",") isectionnum = strtod(strsub(Sline, 2, icomma)) Sub = strsub(Sline, icomma+1) icomma = strindex(Sub, ",") isectionlength = strtod(strsub(Sub, 0, icomma)) ichordgroup = strtod(strsub(Sub, icomma+1)) gibid_sectionchords[isectionnum] = ichordgroup tabw_i isectionlength, isectionnum, gibid_sectionlengths ; tempo elseif (strcmp(Sfirstchar, "b") == 0) then imode = -1 icomma = strindex(Sline, ",") gibid_tempo = strtod(strsub(Sline, 2, icomma)) gibid_beattime = 60 / gibid_tempo iswingpercent = strtod(strsub(Sline, icomma+1)) gibid_swingtime = ((gibid_beattime/4)/100) * iswingpercent ; chord group header elseif (strcmp(Sfirstchar, "c") == 0) then imode = 3 ichordgroup = strtod(strsub(Sline, 2)) ichordnum = 0 ; pattern header elseif (strcmp(Sfirstchar, "i") == 0) then imode = 4 iparameter = 0 icomma = strindex(Sline, ",") instrindex = _bid_gettextindex(strsub(Sline, 2, icomma), 1) Sub = strsub(Sline, icomma+1) icomma2 = strindex(Sub, ",") isection = strtod(strsub(Sub, 0, icomma2)) if (isection > gibid_maxsection) then gibid_maxsection = isection endif if (icomma2 != -1) then ; repeat or null section irepeatsection = strtod(strsub(Sub, icomma2+1)) if (irepeatsection == -1) then inewsection = -1 else inewsection = gibid_sections[irepeatsection][instrindex] endif gibid_sections[isection][instrindex] = inewsection else isectiondataindex += 1 gibid_sections[isection][instrindex] = isectiondataindex endif ; chord row elseif (imode == 3) then _bid_parserow(Sline, ichordgroup, ichordnum, 2) ichordnum += 1 ; pattern row elseif (imode == 4) then _bid_parserow(Sline, isectiondataindex, iparameter, 1) iparameter += 1 endif endif idata[0] = iparameter idata[1] = isection idata[2] = ichordnum idata[3] = isectiondataindex idata[4] = imode xout idata endop /* Parse a Bug Infested Directive Format string to global arrays, ftables and variables. Handles patterns, tempo, chord groups and sections etc accordingly. bid_loadtext Sfile, [imode = 0] Stext directive data as string to parse */ opcode bid_loadtext, 0, S Stext xin idata[] fillarray -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 read: index = strindex(Stext, "\n") if (index != -1) then Sline = strsub(Stext, 0, index) Stext = strsub(Stext, index + 1) idata[] _bid_parseline Sline, idata igoto read else igoto complete endif complete: endop /* Read BID data for specified element and trigger accordingly. bid_seq Splayer, kposition, ksection Splayer name of BID element kposition position in pattern provided by master sequencer ksection section in composition provided by master sequencer */ opcode bid_seq, 0, Skk Splayer, kpos, ksection xin Sinstrument = sprintf("play_%s", Splayer) instrindex = _bid_gettextindex(Splayer) kdata = gibid_sections[ksection][instrindex] if (kdata != -1) then ; null section kon = tablekt:k(kpos, gibid_sectiondata[kdata][0]) if (kon == 1) then kchance = tablekt:k(kpos, gibid_sectiondata[kdata][3]) if (random:k(0, 1) < kchance) then ktime = (kpos % 2 == 0) ? 0 : gibid_swingtime kdur = tablekt:k(kpos, gibid_sectiondata[kdata][1]) * gibid_beattime ;kamp = tablekt:k(kpos, gisectiondata[kdata][2]) event "i", Sinstrument, ktime, kdur, kpos, kdata endif endif endif endop instr _bid_exit exitnow endin /* Print notification of performance time since last notification or if isection is -1, print completion notification */ gibid_timetrack times instr bid_notify_change isection = p4 itime times if (isection == -1) then tt_notify(sprintf"Complete, runtime: %s", tt_parsetime(itime))) exitnow else isectiontime = itime - gibid_timetrack tt_notify(sprintf("%s : section %d complete in %s", tt_parsetime(itime), isection, tt_parsetime(isectiontime))) gibid_timetrack = itime endif turnoff endin opcode bid_seq_all, k, oo istartsection, index xin ksection init istartsection kpos init 0 kposabs init 0 kposchord init 0 imaxinstruments = lenarray(gSbid_sequenced) kmetro metro (gibid_tempo / 60) * 4 if (kmetro == 1) then if (ksection > gibid_maxsection) then schedulek("bid_notify_change", 0, 1, -1) endif kindex = 0 while (kindex < imaxinstruments) do kdata = gibid_sections[ksection][kindex] if (kdata != -1) then ; null section kon = tablekt:k(kpos, gibid_sectiondata[kdata][0]) if (kon == 1) then kchance = tablekt:k(kpos, gibid_sectiondata[kdata][3]) if (random:k(0, 1) < kchance) then ktime = (kpos % 2 == 0) ? 0 : gibid_swingtime kdur = tablekt:k(kpos, gibid_sectiondata[kdata][1]) * gibid_beattime ;kamp = tablekt:k(kpos, gisectiondata[kdata][2]) schedulek(sprintfk("play_%s", gSbid_sequenced[kindex]), ktime, kdur, kpos, kdata) endif endif endif kindex += 1 od kpos = (kpos < 31) ? kpos + 1 : 0 ksection16ths = bid_getsectionlength(ksection) * 4 if (kposabs + 1 < ksection16ths) then kposabs += 1 else schedulek("bid_notify_change", 0, 1, ksection) ksection += 1 kposchord = 0 kpos = 0 kposabs = 0 schedulek("bid_setcurrentchord", 0, 1, ksection, 1) endif if (kposchord + 1 < gkbid_chordlength * 4) then kposchord += 1 else kposchord = 0 schedulek("bid_setcurrentchord", 0, 1, ksection, 1) endif endif xout ksection endop /* Parse a Bug Infested Directive Format string to global arrays, ftables and variables. Handles patterns, tempo, chord groups and sections etc accordingly. Requires readfi support which is not available on all platforms. Platforms that do not support that should set NOFILEIO. bid_loadfile Sfile Sfile directive file to parse */ opcode bid_loadfile, 0, S Sfile xin #ifdef NOFILEIO tt_notify_fatal("Attempting to use parsefile when NOFILEIO is set") #else if (filevalid(Sfile) == 0) then tt_notify(sprintf("Directive file cannot be found: '%s'", Sfile)) exitnow endif idata[] fillarray -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 read: Sline, ilinenum readfi Sfile Sline = tt_stripnewline(Sline) idata[] _bid_parseline Sline, idata if (ilinenum != -1) igoto read #endif endop /* Set the current chord given a section p4 the section number p5 0=start at beginning, 1=increment chord index */ instr bid_setcurrentchord isection = p4 ichordincrement = p5 if (isection > gibid_maxsection) then turnoff endif ichordgroup = gibid_sectionchords[isection] if (ichordgroup != gibid_lastchordgroup || isection != gibid_lastsection) then gibid_currentchordnum = 0 gibid_lastchordgroup = ichordgroup gibid_lastsection = isection elseif (ichordincrement == 1) then if (gibid_currentchordnum + 1 < lenarray(gibid_chordgroups, 2) - 1) then if (gibid_chordgroups[ichordgroup][gibid_currentchordnum + 1] == 0) then gibid_currentchordnum = 0 else gibid_currentchordnum += 1 endif else gibid_currentchordnum = 0 endif else gibid_currentchordnum = 0 endif ifn = gibid_chordgroups[ichordgroup][gibid_currentchordnum] if (ifn > 0) then gkbid_chordlength = tab:k(0, ifn) gibid_chordfn = ifn endif if (timeinstk() > 2) then turnoff endif endin #end