#ifndef UDO_SOUNDXDB #define UDO_SOUNDXDB ## /* SQL database extract interface to sound object management. File containing extract definitions must be included before this. Slim excerpt for Partial Emergence This file is part of the SONICS UDO collection by Richard Knight 2022 License: GPL-2.0-or-later http://1bpm.net */ #ifndef XDB_SET prints "Database extract not defined; cannot continue.\n\n\n" exitnow #end #ifndef XDB_MINNOTE #define XDB_MINNOTE #0# #end /* Get the ID of a filecollection by name icollectionid sounddb_getcollectionid Scollection icollectionid collection ID Scollection collection name */ opcode sounddb_getcollectionid, i, S Scollection xin index = 0 while (index < lenarray(gSxdb_collections)) do if (strcmp(gSxdb_collections[index], Scollection) == 0) then igoto complete endif index += 1 od index = -1 complete: xout index endop /* Get the file IDs of a filecollection, also loading each file to gisounddb ifileids[] sounddb_getcollection Scollection ifileids[] file IDs in the collection, accessible as indexes to f-tables in gisounddb Scollection collection name */ opcode sounddb_getcollection, i[], S Scollection xin idata[], icollectionid sounddb_getcollection Scollection xout idata endop /* Get the collection ID and file IDs of a filecollection, also loading each file to gisounddb ifileids[], icollectionid sounddb_getcollection Scollection ifileids[] file IDs in the collection, accessible as indexes to f-tables in gisounddb icollectionid collection ID Scollection collection name */ opcode sounddb_getcollection, i[]i, S Scollection xin itotalsize = 0 if (strindex(Scollection, ",") > 0) then index = 1 Stemp = Scollection while (index > 0) do index strindex Stemp, "," if (index > 0) then icollectionid = sounddb_getcollectionid(strsub(Stemp, 0, index)) itotalsize += ftlen(gixdb_collectionsfn[icollectionid]) Stemp strsub Stemp, index+1 else icollectionid = sounddb_getcollectionid(Stemp) itotalsize += ftlen(gixdb_collectionsfn[icollectionid]) endif od idata[] init itotalsize iwriteindex = 0 index = 1 Stemp = Scollection while (index > 0) do index strindex Stemp, "," if (index > 0) then icollectionid = sounddb_getcollectionid(strsub(Stemp, 0, index)) ifn = gixdb_collectionsfn[icollectionid] ireadindex = 0 while (ireadindex < ftlen(ifn)) do idata[iwriteindex] table ireadindex, ifn ireadindex += 1 iwriteindex += 1 od Stemp strsub Stemp, index+1 else icollectionid = sounddb_getcollectionid(Stemp) ifn = gixdb_collectionsfn[icollectionid] ireadindex = 0 while (ireadindex < ftlen(ifn)) do idata[iwriteindex] table ireadindex, ifn ireadindex += 1 iwriteindex += 1 od endif od else icollectionid = sounddb_getcollectionid(Stemp) idata[] tab2array gixdb_collectionsfn[icollectionid] igoto complete endif complete: xout idata, icollectionid endop /* gixdb_pitchreference has 127 * 4 entries. get start and end indexes for gixdb_pitchnotes by index = (inote + (icollectionid * 127)) * 2 then values iminindex table index, gixdb_pitchreference imaxindex table index+1, gixdb_pitchreference then get the actual files which are between min and max indexes eg iselected = round(random(iminindex, imaxindex)) ifileid table iselected, gixdb_pitchnotes ipitchadjust table iselected, gixdb_pitchadjust */ /* Get the nearest note in a filecollection, return the file ID and the pitch ratio adjustment required to the requested note. ifileid, ipitchratio sounddb_mel_nearestnote icollectionid, inote ifileid file ID, corresponding to index in gisounddb ipitchratio pitch ratio adjustment required to make the file match the requested note icollectionid collection ID inote MIDI note number */ opcode sounddb_mel_nearestnote, ii, ii icollectionid, inote xin irefindex = ((inote - $XDB_MINNOTE) + (icollectionid * 128)) * 2 ;, gixdb_pitchreference iselected = round(random(tab_i(irefindex, gixdb_pitchreference), tab_i(irefindex+1, gixdb_pitchreference))) ifileid tab_i iselected, gixdb_pitchnotes ipitchratio tab_i iselected, gixdb_pitchadjust xout ifileid, ipitchratio endop /* Get the nearest note in a filecollection, return the file ID and the pitch ratio adjustment required to the requested note. ifileid, ipitchratio sounddb_mel_nearestnote Scollection, inote ifileid file ID, corresponding to index in gisounddb ipitchratio pitch ratio adjustment required to make the file match the requested note Scollection collection name inote MIDI note number */ opcode sounddb_mel_nearestnote, ii, Si Scollection, inote xin icollectionid = sounddb_getcollectionid(Scollection) ifileid, ipitchratio sounddb_mel_nearestnote icollectionid, inote xout ifileid, ipitchratio endop #end