#ifndef UDO_MELSEQUENCINGPERSIST #define UDO_MELSEQUENCINGPERSIST ## /* Melodic sequencer persistence: saving/loading from files and database Slim excerpt for Partial Emergence This file is part of the SONICS UDO collection by Richard Knight 2021, 2022 License: GPL-2.0-or-later http://1bpm.net */ #include "sonics/sequencing_melodic.udo" #include "sonics/array_tools.udo" /* Load state from file p4 path to load from */ instr mel_loadstate_fs Spath = p4 isize = -1 iline = 0 ftload Spath, 1,\ gimel_chords, gimel_notes, gimel_lengths, gimel_action1,\ gimel_action2, gimel_actionthreshold,\ gimel_active, gimel_importance,\ gimel_mod1, gimel_mod2,\ gimel_mod3, gimel_mod4,\ gimel_state gkmel_futures_refresh_trig = 1 turnoff endin ; if MEL_INITPATH is set, load the specified progression data accordingly #ifdef MEL_HASINIT instr _mel_persistence_init #ifdef MEL_INITPATH subinstrinit "mel_loadstate_fs", "$MEL_INITPATH" #end alwayson "_mel_manager" turnoff endin schedule "_mel_persistence_init", 0, 60 ; end MEL_HASINIT #end #end