#ifndef UDO_LAGDETECT #define UDO_LAGDETECT ## /* Processing lag detection This file is part of the SONICS UDO collection by Richard Knight 2022 License: GPL-2.0-or-later http://1bpm.net */ #define LAG_DFLT_TTHRESH #0.05# /* Detect when the CPU cannot keep up with proessing: when the realtime clock differs from Csound's clock by a specified threshold time. The trigger klagging is output periodically every iautotimethreshold*2 seconds rather than continuously klagging, ktimesincelastlag lagdetect [iautotimethreshold=LAG_DFLT_TTHRESH] klagging trigger indicating lag has been detected in this k-cycle ktimesincelastlag time in seconds sine the last lag detected iautotimethreshold if realtime clock and Csound clock differ more than this number of seconds, lag is assumed */ opcode lagdetect, kk, j iautotimethreshold xin iautotimethreshold = (iautotimethreshold == -1) ? $LAG_DFLT_TTHRESH : iautotimethreshold kstartrt init rtclock:i() kclockrt rtclock kstarts init times:i() kclocks times klag = abs:k((kclocks - kstarts) - (kclockrt - kstartrt)) klagging = 0 ; if time difference is above threshold and last adjustment is double threshold, reduce parameters and reset times if (klag > iautotimethreshold && kclockrt - kstartrt > iautotimethreshold * 2) then kstartrt = kclockrt kstarts = kclocks klagging = 1 endif xout klagging, kclocks - kstarts endop /* Detect when the CPU cannot keep up with proessing: when the realtime clock differs from Csound's clock by a specified threshold time The trigger klagging is output periodically every iautotimethreshold*2 seconds rather than continuously klagging lagdetect [iautotimethreshold=LAG_DFLT_TTHRESH] klagging trigger indicating lag has been detected in this k-cycle iautotimethreshold if realtime clock and Csound clock differ more than this number of seconds, lag is assumed */ opcode lagdetect, k, j iautotimethreshold xin klagging, ktimesincelag lagdetect iautotimethreshold xout klagging endop #end