#ifndef UDO_FNMI_SINEBLIP #define UDO_FNMI_SINEBLIP ## /* Stochastic sequenced sine blip instrument Slim excerpt for Partial Emergence This file is part of the SONICS UDO collection by Richard Knight 2021 License: GPL-2.0-or-later http://1bpm.net */ #include "sonics/bussing.udo" #include "sonics/sequencing_melodic.udo" /* Randomised sine blip playback internal instrument */ instr _fnmi_sineblip Sbus = p4 inote = mel_randomnote:i() + 12 if (random(0, 1) > 0.5) then inote += 12 endif if (random(0, 1) > 0.5) then inote += 12 endif if (random(0, 1) > 0.5) then inote += 12 endif if (random(0, 1) > 0.99) then inote += 1 endif ibasefreq = cpsmidinn(inote) ifreqL = ibasefreq + random(-5, 5) ifreqR = ibasefreq + random(-5, 5) iampL = random(0.5, 1) iampR = random(0.5, 1) aL oscil iampL, ifreqL aR oscil iampR, ifreqR if (random(0, 1) > 0.5) then kamp line 1, p3, 0 else kamp linseg 1, p3*0.9, 1, p3*0.1, 0 endif bus_mix(Sbus, aL*0.6*kamp, aR*0.6*kamp) endin /* Randomised sine blip playback scheduler */ instr fnmi_sineblips if (p4 == 0) then Sbus = "main" else Sbus = p4 endif inum = random(1, 8) iqtime = i(gkseq_quartertime) itimeindex = random(0, 8) index = 0 while (index < inum) do itime = seq_swingtime:i(iqtime * itimeindex, itimeindex) schedule "_fnmi_sineblip", itime, random(0.05, 0.1), Sbus itimeindex += random(1, 4) index += 1 od xtratim iqtime * itimeindex endin #end