#ifndef INC_MUSICBOX_INSTR #define INC_MUSICBOX_INSTR ## /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Partial Emergence by Richard Knight 2022 Installation submission for the International Csound Conference 2022 Music box instruments * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #include "sonics/soundxdb.udo" #include "sonics/array_tools.udo" #include "sonics/sequencing_melodic.udo" #include "sonics/sequencing_melodic_portamento.udo" #include "sonics/bussing.udo" #include "sonics/frequency_tools.udo" #include "sonics/instrument_portchord.udo" #include "sonics/instrument_gchord1.udo" ; sound collections gicol_musicbox sounddb_getcollectionid "MusicBox" gicol_kalimba sounddb_getcollectionid "Kalimba" gicol_idiophone = gicol_musicbox opcode idiophone_change, 0, 0 if (random(0, 1) >= 0.5) then gicol_idiophone = gicol_musicbox else gicol_idiophone = gicol_kalimba endif endop /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sample playback initiation instruments * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* Music box chord p4 one note (0 = play one note, 1 = play chord) */ instr play_musicbox1 ionenote = p4 if (ionenote == 1) then knote init mel_randomnote() + (round(random(-2, 4)) * 12) endif if (random(0, 1) > 0.5) then ifreqstart = random(20, 40) ifreqend = random(2, 10) else ifreqstart = random(2, 10) ifreqend = random(20, 40) endif kfreq linseg ifreqstart, p3, ifreqend kamp linseg 1, p3, 0 if (random(0, 1) > 0.5) then kamp = 1-kamp endif ktrig metro kfreq if (ktrig == 1) then if (ionenote != 1) then knote = mel_randomnote:k() + (round:k(random:k(-2, 4)) * 12) endif schedulek("_note_musicbox1", random:k(0, 0.1), 1, min:k(knote, 127), kamp*2) endif endin /* Music box chord using portamento note frequencies p4 one note (0 = play one note, 1 = play chord) */ instr play_musicbox2 ionenote = p4 ilen = mel_length() * random(1, 10) p3 = ilen if (ionenote == 1) then itlen = table:i(0, gimel_current_notes) index = round(random(1, itlen-1)) kindex init index knote init table(index, gimel_current_notes) knoteaugment init (round(random(-2, 4)) * 12) endif kfreq linseg random(20, 60), ilen, random(2, 10) kamp linseg 1, p3, 0 if (random(0, 1) > 0.5) then kamp = 1-kamp endif ktrig metro kfreq if (ktrig == 1) then if (ionenote != 1) then klen = table:k(0, gimel_current_notes) kindex = round:k(random:k(1, klen-1)) knote = table:k(kindex, gimel_current_notes) knoteaugment = (round:k(random:k(-2, 4)) * 12) endif kportfreq = table:k(kindex-1, gimel_freqs) kportamp = table:k(kindex-1, gimel_amps) if (kportfreq != cpsmidinn:k(knote)) then kscale = cpsmidinn:k(knote) / kportfreq else kscale = 1 endif schedulek("note_musicbox2", random:k(0, 0.1), 1, min:k(knote+knoteaugment, 127), kamp*kportamp, kscale) endif endin /* Stretch music box chord p4 mode (0 = flipflop loop, 1 = linear loop) */ instr play_musicboxstretch1 imode = p4 ilen = p3 index = 1 inoteaugment = min((round(random(-1, 4)) * 12), 127) while (index < table:i(0, gimel_current_notes)) do inote = table(index, gimel_current_notes) schedule("note_musicboxstretch1", 0, ilen, inote + inoteaugment, imode) index += 1 od turnoff endin /* Stretch music box chord p4 mode (0 = flipflop loop, 1 = linear loop) */ instr play_musicboxstretch2 imode = p4 ilen = p3 index = 1 while (index < table:i(0, gimel_current_notes)) do inote = table(index, gimel_current_notes) schedule("_note_musicboxstretch2", 0, ilen, inote, imode, 0) ; no low pass, out to note_musicboxstretch2 bus schedule("_note_musicboxstretch2", 0, ilen, inote-12, imode, 1) ; low pass, master out index += 1 od turnoff endin instr play_musicboxstretch3 ksendDelay1 init 0 ksendReverb1 init 0.3 ksendPV1 init 0 kampx4 init 0 kamp linsegr 1, p3, 1, 1, 0 aL1, aR1 portchord_sound gicol_idiophone, 1, 0.5, 512 aL2, aR2 portchord_sound gicol_idiophone, 1, 1, 1024 aL3, aR3 portchord_sound gicol_idiophone, 1, 2, 512 aL = (aL3 * portk(kampx4, 2) + (aL1 + aL2)) * kamp aR = (aR3 * portk(kampx4, 2) + (aR1 + aR2)) * kamp kchangemetro = metro(0.2) if (kchangemetro == 1) then if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.6) then ksendDelay1 = random:k(0, 0.8) endif if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.6) then ksendReverb1 = random:k(0.3, 0.8) endif if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.6) then ksendPV1 = random:k(0, 0.8) endif if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.6) then kampx4 = random:k(0, 1.5) endif endif ksendDelay1p = port(ksendDelay1, 1) ksendReverb1p = port(ksendReverb1, 1) ksendPV1p = port(ksendPV1, 1) bus_mix("delay1", aL*ksendDelay1p, aR*ksendDelay1p) bus_mix("reverb1", aL*ksendReverb1p, aR*ksendReverb1p) bus_mix("pvsamp1", aL*ksendPV1p, aR*ksendPV1p) bus_mix("master", aL, aR) endin instr play_musicboxstretch4 iamp = 0.45 klpf1 init 22050 klpf2 init 22050 ichangechance = random(0.1, 0.6) icompressmode = 2 aL1, aR1 fnmi_gchord1 gicol_idiophone, 1, 3, icompressmode, ichangechance, 2, 1 aL2, aR2 fnmi_gchord1 gicol_idiophone, 1, 3, icompressmode, ichangechance, 0.5, 1 klpf1p port klpf1, 3 klpf2p port klpf2, 3 aL1 butterlp aL1, klpf1p aR1 butterlp aR1, klpf1p aL2 butterlp aL2, klpf2p aR2 butterlp aR2, klpf2p kchangemetro = metro(0.2) if (kchangemetro == 1) then if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.6) then klpf1 = random:k(400, 22050) endif if (random:k(0, 1) > 0.6) then klpf2 = random:k(400, 22050) endif endif aL = (aL1 + aL2) * iamp aR = (aR1 + aR2) * iamp bus_mix("master", aL, aR) bus_mix("reverb1", aL*0.4, aR*0.4) bus_mix("pvsamp1", aL*0.1, aR*0.1) endin /* Play a short glissando, possibly ascending or descending */ instr play_musicbox_gliss1 iamp = p4 ilen = table:i(0, gimel_current_notes) itime = 0 imultreal = 1 imaxmult = 6 iascending = round(random(0, 1)) if (iascending == 1) then iincrement = 1 istartindex = 1 imult = 1 else iincrement = -1 istartindex = ilen imult = imaxmult endif while (imultreal <= imaxmult) do indexreal = 1 index = istartindex while (indexreal < ilen) do schedule("_note_musicbox1", itime, 1, (table:i(index, gimel_current_notes)-12)+(12*imult), iamp) itime += random(0.05, 0.1) indexreal += 1 index += iincrement od imult += iincrement imultreal += 1 od turnoff endin /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sample playback note instruments * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* Play music box note with stochastic transforms and sends p4 midi note number p5 amplitude (0 to 1) */ instr _note_musicbox1 inote = p4 iamp = p5 * 0.2 iamp *= random(0.6, 1) kamp linseg iamp, p3*0.6, iamp, p3*0.4, 0 ifileid, ipitchratio sounddb_mel_nearestnote gicol_idiophone, inote if (ipitchratio > 1.8 || random(0, 1) > 0.8) then iloscilratio = 1 idopvs = 1 else iloscilratio = ipitchratio idopvs = 0 endif ifn = gisounddb[ifileid][0] idur = gisounddb[ifileid][2] p3 = idur ;ktime line random(0, 0.2), p3, p3 ;aL, aR sndwarpst kamp, ktime, iloscilratio, isound[0], 0, 441*random(1, 100), 44*random(1, 10), 4, gifnHalfSine, 1 aL, aR loscil kamp, iloscilratio, ifn, 1 if (idopvs == 1) then if (random(0, 1) > 0.5) then ipitchratio *= pow(2, int(random(1, 4))) endif ir = 512 fL1 pvsanal aL, ir, ir/4, ir, 1 fR1 pvsanal aR, ir, ir/4, ir, 1 fL2 pvscale fL1, ipitchratio fR2 pvscale fR1, ipitchratio aL pvsynth fL2 aR pvsynth fR2 endif ipan random 0, 1 aL *= ipan aR *= (1-ipan) if (random(0, 1) > 0.8) then kdenv linseg 0, p3*0.1, 1, p3*0.8, 1, p3*0.1, 0 bus_mix("delay1", aL*kdenv, aR*kdenv) endif if (random(0, 1) > 0.8) then krenv linseg 0, p3*0.1, 1, p3*0.8, 1, p3*0.1, 0 bus_mix("reverb1", aL*krenv, aR*krenv) endif if (random(0, 1) > 0.5) then bus_mix("pvsamp1", aL, aR) endif bus_mix("master", aL, aR) endin /* Play music box note with stochastic transforms and sends p4 midi note number p5 amplitude (0 to 1) p6 pitchscale: amount to scale pitch by (for portamento augmentation) */ instr note_musicbox2 inote = p4 iamp = p5 * 0.2 ipitchscale = p6 iamp *= random(0.6, 1) kamp linseg iamp, p3*0.6, iamp, p3*0.4, 0 ifileid, ipitchratio sounddb_mel_nearestnote gicol_idiophone, inote kpitchratio init ipitchratio * ipitchscale kpitchenv = abs:k(oscil:k(random(0.001, 0.01), random(0.1, 4), gifnSine, random(0, 1))) + 1 kpitchratio *= kpitchenv if (kpitchratio > 1.8 || random(0, 1) > 0.8) then kloscilratio init 1 idopvs = 1 else kloscilratio = kpitchratio idopvs = 0 endif ifn = gisounddb[ifileid][0] idur = gisounddb[ifileid][2] p3 = idur ;ktime line random(0, 0.2), p3, p3 ;aL, aR sndwarpst kamp, ktime, iloscilratio, isound[0], 0, 441*random(1, 100), 44*random(1, 10), 4, gifnHalfSine, 1 aL, aR loscil kamp, kloscilratio, ifn, 1 if (idopvs == 1) then if (random(0, 1) > 0.5) then kpitchratio *= pow(2, int(random(1, 4))) endif ir = 512 fL1 pvsanal aL, ir, ir/4, ir, 1 fR1 pvsanal aR, ir, ir/4, ir, 1 fL2 pvscale fL1, kpitchratio fR2 pvscale fR1, kpitchratio aL pvsynth fL2 aR pvsynth fR2 endif ipan random 0, 1 aL *= ipan aR *= (1-ipan) if (random(0, 1) > 0.8) then kdenv linseg 0, p3*0.1, 1, p3*0.8, 1, p3*0.1, 0 bus_mix("delay1", aL*kdenv, aR*kdenv) endif if (random(0, 1) > 0.8) then krenv linseg 0, p3*0.1, 1, p3*0.8, 1, p3*0.1, 0 bus_mix("reverb1", aL*krenv, aR*krenv) endif if (random(0, 1) > 0.5) then bus_mix("pvsamp1", aL, aR) endif bus_mix("master", aL, aR) endin /* Play held/stretched music box note with stochastic transforms and sends p4 midi note number p5 mode (0 = forwards and reverse, 1 = linear forwards) */ instr note_musicboxstretch1 inote = p4 imode = p5 iamp = 0.6 kamp linseg 0, p3*0.2, iamp, p3*0.6, iamp, p3*0.2, 0 ifileid, ipitchratio sounddb_mel_nearestnote gicol_idiophone, inote ifn = gisounddb[ifileid][0] idur = gisounddb[ifileid][2] ipitchratio *= (ftsr(ifn) / sr) ; adjustment for sndwarp required if (imode == 0) then istart = random(0, 0.3) iend = random(istart+0.1, 0.5) atime = abs(oscil(iend-istart, random(0.001, 0.1), gifnSine, random(0, 1))) else istart = 0 iend = random(0.1, 0.99) atime = (phasor(random(10, 40)) * (iend-istart)) endif if (random(0, 1) > 0.5) then alfo = oscil(random(0.0001, 0.0009), random(4, 10)) + 1 apitchratio = ipitchratio * alfo else apitchratio init ipitchratio endif atime *= idur aL, aR sndwarpst kamp, atime*idur, apitchratio, ifn, istart, 441*random(1, 100), 44*random(1, 10), 8, gifnHalfSine, 1 aL butterhp aL, 150 aR butterhp aR, 150 if (random(0, 1) > 0.5) then atemp = aL aL = aR aR = atemp endif if (random(0, 1) > 0.2) then krenv linseg 0, p3*0.1, 1, p3*0.8, 1, p3*0.1, 0 bus_mix("reverb1", aL*krenv, aR*krenv) endif if (random(0, 1) > 0.5) then bus_mix("pvsamp1", aL, aR) endif bus_mix("master", aL, aR) endin /* Play held/stretched music box note with stochastic transforms and sends p4 midi note number p5 mode (0 = forwards and reverse, 1 = linear forwards) */ instr _note_musicboxstretch2 inote = p4 imode = p5 ilpmode = p6 iamp = 0.4 kamp linseg 0, p3*0.2, iamp, p3*0.6, iamp, p3*0.2, 0 ifileid, ipitchratio sounddb_mel_nearestnote gicol_idiophone, inote ifn = gisounddb[ifileid][0] idur = gisounddb[ifileid][2] if (imode == 0) then istart = random(0.05, 0.2) iend = random(istart+0.1, 0.8) atime = abs(oscil(iend-istart, random(0.001, 0.1), gifnSine, random(0, 1))) else istart = 0 iend = random(0.1, 0.99) atime = (phasor(random(10, 40)) * (iend-istart)) endif if (random(0, 1) > 0.4) then alfo = oscil(random(0.0001, 0.001), random(4, 10)) + 1 apitchratio = ipitchratio * alfo else apitchratio init 1 endif atime *= idur aL, aR mincer atime*idur, kamp, k(apitchratio), ifn, 0, 2048 ipan = random(0, 1) aL *= (1-ipan) aR *= (ipan) aLh butterhp aL, 150 aRh butterhp aR, 150 if (random(0, 1) > 0.8) then krenv linseg 0, p3*0.1, 1, p3*0.8, 1, p3*0.1, 0 bus_mix("reverb1", aLh*krenv, aRh*krenv) endif if (random(0, 1) > 0.7) then bus_mix("pvsamp1", aLh, aRh) endif if (ilpmode == 0) then bus_mix("note_musicboxstretch2", aLh, aRh) elseif (ilpmode == 1) then aL butterlp aL, 500 aR butterlp aR, 500 bus_mix("master", aL*0.8, aR*0.8) endif endin #end